I am getting the following error while trying to login to BPM Online on-site  (set up using Microsoft SQL Server) and I am getting the same error while trying to login to BPM Online on-site  (set up using Oracle SQL Server). I ve done the set up seperately with different websites in IIS. Screenshots attached. Kindly advise me on how to overcome this problem.

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

Error while sending request      response status: 404 (Not Found)     request url: http://localhost:82/ServiceModel/AuthService.svc/Login     method: undefined     request data: {"UserName":"Supervisor","UserPassword":"*******","TimeZoneOffset":-330}

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The most obvious reason of this issue is in fact that not all needed Microsoft Components were activated for the device where IIS is deployed. Please double-check all needed components once again on the machine where IIS is deployed (the full list of needed components can be found here).

Also please get sure that you have Microsoft .NetFramework of 4.7.2 version installed on the machine where IIS is deployed.

Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Thanks. WCF and HTTP components were not enabled!






The BPMonline setup process can be divided into the following general steps: 1. Deploying the MS SQL Server 2008 on the database server computer. 2. Deploying a Redis database on the user session storage server. 3. Installing the BPMonline application on the application server computer. 4. Restoring the database from the backup on the database server computer. This step is necessary only if the database server is not deployed on the same computer as the application server  



Lavanya Sreepada 



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Hi Community,

How can I give permission to non system admin users to add system users in CRM


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Dear Fulgen,

You need to add the non administrator user to the operation permission 'CanManageUsers'. Thus, this user will be able to create the new users. 

Best regards,


Dean Parrett,

Thanks Dean, this is what I am looking for, how about giving permission to access the Functional roles and organizational roles. I already checked all the items under operation permission but i am not able to get the permission related to this.

Dear Fulgen,

This is the same operation. It also gives the access to organizational and functional roles.



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Hi Community,

I just noticed on the notification panel, notification is being triggered but the count is not showing on the icon. How we can show the count of unread notification on the icon?




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Dear Fulgen,

There are no basic tools that would allow to hide or display the notification counter. Therefore, we suggest you to contact our support team via support@bpmonline.com to conduct the investigation in your particular environment. There might be a couple of reasons to it, like localization bug that influences the counter. Try to check if in the English localization it works fine, unless you are already using it. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to resolve this problem within the community thread. Therefore it is better to approach our support team that will be glad to assist you. 

Best regards,


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Hi Community,

Currently on case assignment, email is sending to assignee, how we can configure crm to trigger also notification on case assignment

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Dear Fulgen,

You can create business process that will generate such notifications on change of "owner" like this: http://prntscr.com/oqlxy7

Best regards,


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Hi Community,

Any idea how we can disable the existing mobile business rule. Lets say for example below rule.

Terrasoft.sdk.Model.addBusinessRule("Case", {

    name: "CaseContactAccountRequirementRule",

    ruleType: Terrasoft.RuleTypes.Requirement,

    requireType: Terrasoft.RequirementTypes.OneOf,

    triggeredByColumns: ["Contact", "Account"]



I tried to create my custom model config and set this existing rule to "enabled:false", compile the changes and re-synchronize the mobile but still this rule is active in mobile.


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If you want to disable the existing mobile business rule, you can do it by calling the removeBusinessRule function. The function accepts two parameters - the name of the model and the name of the rule. For example:

 Terrasoft.sdk.Model.removeBusinessRule("Case", "CaseContactAccountRequirementRule");

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How to read Entity lookup column in script task?

Please help. i need the value(display name) of lookup column in script task.

Thank you

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If you want to read column from the previously read or created record with Read data or Add data element you can follow the instructions in the community article below: 


If you want to read it from a certain record you can add it to the process as a parameter and use Get to get it in script task (https://prnt.sc/ooum87), or, for example you can use EntitySchemaQuery:


Best regards,


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Can someone explain what the functional purpose of the Activity Author is? The system defaults their reminder to the 'Due Date' of the activity, what purpose does that serve?

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Dear Jordan,

The activity author or reporter is the user who initiates the activity. Just in case do not confuse it with the activity owner - this is the user who is responsible for performing it. As for the due date, this field indicates the time when the activity has to be finished. By default the field time is 30 minutes later than that indicated in Start field, since he value in the Due field should be greater than the value in the Start. Basically, those 30 minutes do not influence anything, you can select any time you need but it should be later that the activity start time. 

Best regards,


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Hi Community,

Currently I am not able to filter record using ODATA for my lookup field, I am getting object reference error. Below is my request string.

UsrEmiratesId is the lookup field

"UsrAreaCollection?$top=1000&$filter=UsrEmiratesId eq guid'" + emirateId + "'&select=Id, Name, UsrEmiratesId"


But when I filter the record using Id which the PK column, request is successful, what is wrong with this lookup field why it is not working


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Dear Fulgen,

The possible reason for an error could be in syntax of lookup in the request. Please try to modify the request string, so that you filter by UsrEmirates/Id. For example, as if I would like to select orders with certain opportunitites, I would filter by Opportunity/Id

Hope you find it helpful,


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Hi Community,

I have completed tasks on Activity object, I want to know the completion date, what column in activity table the completion date is?


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Dear Fulgen, 

Unfortunately, there is no such column, however you can add this column in the section wizard or configuration and use business process to populate it. This process would trigger on status changed to Completed and populate this column's value to the current date. 

Best regards,


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Good day. I have a big task, and the last part is sending the document through a web service.

Generally speaking, I need to send not only a document, but an array of objects, among which there are documents. Documents will be in PDF format.

As I could see, the "Content type" field is protected from changes and is always JSON.

Is there any simple (or at least some) way to accomplish the task sent to me?

I have an example of performing this task in Java and there the document is loaded into the stream and then passed as an attribute ContentReference, but I do not understand how to implement this in bpm'online ..

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It's hard to understand where you want to send the document from. From bpm'online to a third party, or vise versa. If it's from bpm'online please do that via c# in a Script task in a business process. If it's vise versa, please use the same web service that we call when we add a new file to a "File" detail. Please use Fiddler in order to find the service name. 

Eugene Podkovka,

Thank you very much, I finally realized that I had to do this through C# in the Script task, but now I have another problem.

I found a code (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17027159/how-send-a-pdf-by-post-htt…) that converts the PDF file into bytes and sends them via HttpWebRequest, but I don’t know how to get a document file.

I mean, the Server.MapPath method is used in this example, but I cannot do this. I only know that this document should be on the "Attachments and notes" tab in Contact. Is there a way to get a link to the desired document (by name, etc.) Or use the MapPath function?

I am also trying to figure out how to attach more data than just a file, because the file is just one of them. The following is the complete structure:

If you have any suggestions or tips, please, help me.

Dear Pavlo,

Please note that all documents are saved in the database in the appropriate table. For example, documents from the “Attachments and notes” tab from the Contact section are saved in the “ContactFile” table and have the object name “Contact attachment”. Therefore, it’s possible to read it like ordinary data from the database.

Please note that the column with data of the document has name “Data” and type “varbinary(max)”. In order to read data from the database please use “Read data” element of business process or use ESQ in the code of the Script task element.

Please find more detail instructions about reading and using data in the Script task element from the link below:


Best regards,


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