Hello, I'm currently trying to make a case stage process where an approval is sent out to two people, one financial controller and one department manager. I've set up so that when a case reaches the "Approval" stage a sub-process is run that sends out approval that need to be confirmed. 

My problem is that after the approvals have been approved I don't know the best way to get the approval status values(Positive, Negative etc.) back to the case stage to determine what to do with the result. I want to use the result of the approvals in the case process to determine which case stage to go to next, using the (if result -> set stage to). 

I tried saving the result of the approvals in process parameters that I refer to in the case process but the only thing I can get out of the approvals is a Result Parameter (Id). I save the process parameter as a lookup (Approval status-lookup). But I cant figure out how to get the (positive/negative) value using formula syntax in the case process. 


Can anyone please help with this? Any help is really appreciated!

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All steps that have been done for getting approval status value in case stage were correct. There is just a little syntax error in the formula (https://prnt.sc/pqaea2). In order to check the equality of two values please use the sign  "=="  instead of "=".

I realized this too much later to my embarrassment, I cant believe I missed that ^^ Thank you very much for your help!

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