

Any ideas why the code below is not working? I get an 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.' here /0/DataService/json/SyncReply/SelectQuery 

I checked that the getUsersInRole function that I wrote is working. It returns an array of Contact Ids.

Thanks in advance,

    request: 'crt.LoadDataRequest',
    handler: async (request, next) => {
        if (request.dataSourceName === 'PageParameters_UsrLookupParameter1_13p73tg_List_DS') {
            var roleId = request.$context.attributes.PageParameters_UsrLookupParameter1_atde2dj?.value;
            var users = await UsrC2CUtilitiesV2.getUsersInRole(roleId);
            const usersFilter = new sdk.FilterGroup();
            await usersFilter.addSchemaColumnInFilterWithParameters(sdk.ComparisonType.Equal, "Id", users);                            
                type: "filter",
                value: usersFilter
        return await next?.handle(request);

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Just on code alone, it is hard to tell what is the reason for the issue.
You need to do a debug and see at what moment the system cannot read the value.

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Hi Team,


I am looking to data import for the product section and detail objects using a single excel template. In the contact and account sections, we have the option to import the additional address details.


Is that possible to get additional detail objects like this for the product section?




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Dear Kumaran,


Thank you for your question!


Allow me to clarify how the import process works. When importing data into Creatio, you are essentially transferring the information from your Excel file into the corresponding database table. Each detail in Creatio corresponds to a different object or database table. Therefore, during an import, data can be inserted into one table or object at a time.


Import to Contact/Accounts have custom core logic applied, but all other objects work with logic described above.


You can read more about Excel import on Creatio Academy: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/creatio-apps/creatio-basics/busine…


Have a great day!

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I have an organizational role name "Sales Reps" that has my account added in its Users area.

I also have a workplace named "Sales Reps" with the desired app under Sections and "Sales Reps" added under User groups.


When I log in to my account, I do not see any apps. There is also no dropdown menu at the top to change workplaces (see attached image). When I am logged in as Supervisor, I see apps as expected. 


What other steps do I need to take to grant my user access to an app? 


File attachments
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Please use this documentation, which will help you:





Thank you for the reply. Deleting the user and readding them fixed the problem. 

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