Hello all,


Is it possible in Freedom UI to enable Feed to display the connected record as it did in Classic UI? Just showing the section isn't as informative as the old setup where you could see exactly what record the feed message was in context of.

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Dear Kevin,


We appreciate your patience as we consulted with our R&D team regarding the concerns you raised.

Regarding the connected record in the feed panel, we are pleased to inform you that the behavior you mentioned will be addressed in the upcoming 8.0.3 version. 


If you have any further questions, please let us know, we would be happy to help.

Thank you for choosing Creatio!

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Hello all,


Is there a way to add an Iframe to a Freedom UI page? I found the documentation here that details how to add one but it only seems to describe how to add to a Classic UI page.

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Hi Kevin,

I've written up the steps for adding an IFRAME in Freedom UI here:



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Hi all,


Is there a way to use tags in Freedom UI? It was available in Classic UI above the lists.


Thanks in advance!

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In version 8.1.0 tags will be implemented in Freedom UI, the approximate ETA for it is the end of September.

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Hi everyone,


Have you already succeed in using Freedom UI custom validators, the academy article was not very successful to me.


Best regards,

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Hi Jerome,

They are working for me. One thing I did initially was add it to the control in the viewConfigDiff. You're actually supposed to add the validator to the attribute in the viewModelConfig - not to the control in the diff. Once I moved it there it worked. Your column is likely in the viewModelConfig already (if it's been added to the page). Look for it there and just add the validator to that existing attribute in the model.


Thanks Ryan,


I managed to step into my validator, but there's no way to retrieve some values (since request is not defined).


Best regards,

Jerome BERGES,

Hmm. Not sure about that. I've only used validators where I need the control's value only (which is provided in the params passed in). I had assumed you could pass in other values in the validator params, but that doesn't seem to be the case (or at least I can't figure out how that works). Hopefully we'll see more documentation soon.


Joaquin Eztala,


Currently, the R&D team is working on such task, they plan to create a solution in the next releases. You can try to workaround in this way:

On the field change add a custom handler, set a flag in it, look at this global flag in the validator.

Most likely to validate if end date it's not before the begin date you can use in handler await request.$context.DateTimeAttribute_nnnn

Where DateTimeAttribute_nnnn:

	"attributes": {				
	"DateTimeAttribute_nnnn": {
		"modelConfig": {
"validators": {
			"StartDateIsNotNotLessThanProjectStartDate": {
				"type": "dw.StartDateIsNotNotLessThanProjectStartDate",
				"params": {
					"message": "#ResourceString(StartDateIsNotNotLessThanProjectStartDateMessage)#",
           "StartDateIsNotNotMoreThanProjectDueDate" ...






A quick question if I may, how do you create a global flag in a client module and how do you look at it in a validator function.  Thanks,


edit: I used session storage in the end.

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Hello Everyone,

Is there a way to enable Multiple selections of lookup values in Freedom UI? 


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Unfortunately, it is currently not available to enable Multiple selections of lookup values in Freedom UI.


We've registered it in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases. Thank you for helping us to improve our product.

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Hi folks! How are you?

I've creted a section in Freedom and I want to show a custom page instead the default list page.

default url is: http://uriel:100/0/Nui/ViewModule.aspx#Section/UsrTest_ListPage

Custom url is :http://uriel:100/0/Nui/ViewModule.aspx#Section/UsrPage_ebkv9e8

I tried a redirect inside the method crt.HandleViewModelInitRequest for the list page it works but it has a strange behavior in some cases (window.location). I tried something similar than this.sandbox.publish("PushHistoryState", {hash: "ProcessCardModuleV2/AutoGeneratedPageV2/377caef9-d9ed-48ee-8458-3106e61dfdc6"}); but I didn't find the equivalent.


Appreciate your ideas.



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Best reply



You can try another approach: the column that is responsible for the section list page that will be opened when going to the section is SectionSchemaUId (in the SysModule table). This column represents data from the UId column of the SysSchema table. What can be done to force custom page to be opened when opening the section is modifying the current SectionSchemaUId column value for the proper SysModule table record to the desired value. So you need to find the SysModule record responsible for your current section (for example using the query like:


select * from "SysModule" where "SectionSchemaUId" in (select "UId" from "SysSchema" where "Name" = 'UsrTest_ListPage')

), use an Id of the record found and then use it in the query like:


update "SysModule" set "SectionSchemaUId" = 'desired UId of the UsrPage_ebkv9e8 schema' where "Id" = 'Id found previously'


and relogin to the app after that. I recently tested it and the Services_ListPage was opened for my custom Freedom UI section:




You can try another approach: the column that is responsible for the section list page that will be opened when going to the section is SectionSchemaUId (in the SysModule table). This column represents data from the UId column of the SysSchema table. What can be done to force custom page to be opened when opening the section is modifying the current SectionSchemaUId column value for the proper SysModule table record to the desired value. So you need to find the SysModule record responsible for your current section (for example using the query like:


select * from "SysModule" where "SectionSchemaUId" in (select "UId" from "SysSchema" where "Name" = 'UsrTest_ListPage')

), use an Id of the record found and then use it in the query like:


update "SysModule" set "SectionSchemaUId" = 'desired UId of the UsrPage_ebkv9e8 schema' where "Id" = 'Id found previously'


and relogin to the app after that. I recently tested it and the Services_ListPage was opened for my custom Freedom UI section:


Oleg Drobina, thank you so much! I tried this approach before and it doesn't work probably because I had a mistake with the IDs. Now it is working. Appreciate your help. Regards

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Hello Community,


In the new Freedom UI, I need that in the dropdown field 'Responsible' (contact object) appear only the data that are of 'Type = Employee' (contact attribute).


I know how to do it in the previous versions but not in the new one.

In the new one I can't find the way to make this filter, can you help me?


Thank you very much!

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Hello Everyone,

I am working on a scenario where I need to get Records (With Id and Name) from another object.

In Model class, we can get one record but how to get a Collection of records with a filter/Parameter "Name" it should get all the records with the same Name. 


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There is an issue in current versions of Creatio with the filter classes, such as FilterGroup etc, being applied to model load/queries. I've been reporting this issue since 8.0.6 (#SR-01182879) but it's still not yet fixed in 8.0.9, very frustrating (I've been told it will be fixed in 8.1 #SR-01198668 🤞🏻). However you can still use them with a small workaround. The example below will get all Accounts that have Type = Customer:

// make sure to add "@creatio-devkit/common" as sdk
const accountModel = await sdk.Model.create("Account");
const customerFilter = new sdk.FilterGroup();
await customerFilter.addSchemaColumnFilterWithParameter(sdk.ComparisonType.Equal, "Type.Name", "Customer");
// This is the workaround you have to do for the filters to work.
// Shallow copy to a new object and then reassign the items collection.
const newCustomerFilter = Object.assign({}, customerFilter);
newCustomerFilter.items = customerFilter.items;
// now use new shallow copied filters in the query
const customers = await accountModel.load({
    attributes: ["Id", "Name", "Type"],
    parameters: [{
        type: sdk.ModelParameterType.Filter,
        value: newCustomerFilter
// the customers variable is now an array of accounts with Id, Name, and Type columns

The whole issue with the FilterGroup is that the items collection doesn't get unrolled from a collection to an array - the copy forces the object to flatten out how it's expected by the underlying DataService call.


Ryan = Creatio's code gap workaround master

Ryan Farley,


This is my code : 

handler: async (request, next) => {

        // Get the selected date values

        var dateFrom = new Date(await request.$context.DateTimeAttribute_6jtq65k);

        var dateTo = new Date(await request.$context.DateTimeAttribute_vg9eydm);

        var datesBetween = [];

          var currentDate = new Date(dateFrom);

          while (currentDate <= dateTo) {

        datesBetween.push(new Date(currentDate));

        currentDate.setDate(currentDate.getDate() + 1);


  // Convert dates to integers without the time component

          var datesAsIntegers = datesBetween.map(date => {

        return parseInt(date.toISOString().slice(0, 10).replace(/-/g, ""), 10);


        const accountModel = await sdk.Model.create("UsrEntity_a6e9b72");      

        // Load the accounts based on the filter.

        const accounts = await accountModel.load({

            attributes: ["DateTimeAttribute_x2whel6"],



            for (const value of accounts) 


                for (const value1 of datesAsIntegers)


                   const integerValue = parseInt(value1);

                value.NumberAttribute_ejh4wbq === integerValue;




return next?.handle(request);


Here we are trying to get value of "NumberAttribute_ejh4wbq" but we are only getting "Id" .

Can you help us with this?



Verify that the column name is correct. In the accountModel.load your passing the attributes array with "DateTimeAttribute_x2whel6", this needs to be the column name in the object/table (which will likely start with a Usr)


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Looking into implementing Customer 360 now that filter business rules exist in 8.0.9.

However, we noticed lookups are showing inactive values, which is not the case in Classic UI.

Is this expected behaviour (meaning proper filtering of inactive values does not exist yet)? Or is this a bug that needs correction ?



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Could you please describe the issue in more detail and provide the screenshots of the problem if possible?

Mira Dmitruk,

Sure !

For example, account types: we have 2 inactive values in our Account Type lookup: Our company & Contractor

In classic UI, when you work on list & form pages, these 2 values will not show up, but in Freedom UI yes (see screenshots below). Same scenario for inactive contacts, inactive accounts, inactive fields in other lookups, etc....

Any idea if this would be fixed for Creatio 8.0.10 ?



We don`t see a column "Inactive" from our side. Could you please describe how did you create it?

Mariia Sorochan,


Indeed sorry, we call it "inactive" but it's deactivated records.

You activate the feature for any object by creating a replacing object, here for accounttype, and you click the OOTB feature "Allow records deactivation"


You will then notice the "inactive" column as a choice in the columns to display, such as the example here with a Creatio 8.0.9 trial account:


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Hi community,


I have a custom entity A, that has a relation with a Contact entity. 

I would like to edit the related contact in the context of the entity A. Is this possible in Freedom UI?

Could I open a dialog with the Edit form of the Contact?

If it's not possible, I believe I have to navigate to the Contact to edit it.




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Hello Ignacio,

I believe it could be achieved by an Expanded list.


For example as it's already realized for Contacts in Accounts:


Thank you Bogdan. That could work in case of a multi instance list, like the list of Contacts. What If I have only one contact related to a custom entity, like the example described? 




We have only this example of its implementation

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