Hi all,

I am trying to insert a record to an entity using esq as follows in my web service.

        [WebInvoke(Method = "POST", RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, BodyStyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.Bare,
        ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json)]
        public string InsertCaseESQPostForSATS(DebitCardDataForSATS debitCardData)
                var caseSchema = SystemUserConnection.EntitySchemaManager.GetInstanceByName("SBLSRM");
                var entity = caseSchema.CreateEntity(SystemUserConnection);
                entity.SetColumnValue("SBLAccountNumber", debitCardData.AccountNo);
                entity.SetColumnValue("SBLService", debitCardData.ServiceId);
                var result = entity.Save();
                return result.ToString();
            catch(Exception ex)
                return ex.Message;


Column 'SBLService' is a lookup column and I am having problem while inserting a record, says, "Value 'SBLService' was not found.". I have checked and confirmed that the object has the column and is published fine. Can somebody assist me on this? How can I set value for a lookup column?



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Best reply

Roman Raj Bajracharya,


the value should be passed as an actual Id and also the column name shouldn't contain the . separator:


entity.SetColumnValue("SBLServiceId", Id here);


For example see this post https://community.creatio.com/questions/how-create-or-update-record-usi… where Dmytro provided an example of working with GUID columns.


Best regards,




Try SBLServiceId instead and also take a look in the database and check how is this column called there.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Hi Oscar,

Thank you for the reply. How do I provide the value of Id of SBLService lookup? In the database, it is just 'Id' for the lookup id. I tried to access by doing SBLService.Id but it didn't help.

entity.SetColumnValue("SBLService.Id", debitCardData.ServiceId);


Roman Raj Bajracharya,


the value should be passed as an actual Id and also the column name shouldn't contain the . separator:


entity.SetColumnValue("SBLServiceId", Id here);


For example see this post https://community.creatio.com/questions/how-create-or-update-record-usi… where Dmytro provided an example of working with GUID columns.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Hi Oscar,

Thank you very much. The record is now inserted. But I am having problem on the execution of a process that should occur when a record on this entity is created. This process is executing well when I create a new record from frontend(UI). Any ideas on this?

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Hi all,

    I try to use class Entity to save data, here is my code:

DsslmContractActivityLogData logData = new DsslmContractActivityLogData(UserConnection);

                logData.DsslmLogId = logId;

                logData.DsslmSchemaPrimaryKeyValue = item.SchemaPrimaryKey;

                logData.DsslmSchemaName = item.SchemaName;

                logData.DsslmSchemaJsonData = item.JsonData;

                if (!logData.InsertToDB())


                    this.Logger.Info("Create log failed");


The result is always false without any error message. What happen?

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Dear Toan,


Unfortunately, it is difficult to determine the root cause of the issue without debugging the source code. Please try to use the “Insert” class instead of the current approach. Please find more information about this class in the article by the link below:




Best regards,


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