As the title says, I'm trying to save the column layout for a custom record section, as well as for Details on the record.…

Using this resource, I haven't managed to save any that will transfer over when installing a new package.


I have saved bound a number of records to the SysProfileData within my package, however none of them have had the intended effect.

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Hello Oliver,

The method described in the article you mention does work for me (In fact, I just did this yesterday with no issues). 

Make sure that you've first configured the column layout and selected the "save for all users" and that you're selecting the correct row from the SysProfileData table (the one with no user in the "Contact" column.

If it's not working for you, it's likely one of the two issues listed above. 


I appreciate the confidence in your article but I have 100% done both of these, about a thousand times, in every way possible.


Is this the only known solution/ there are no known issues with this?

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I need to place a checkbox in the center of a grid cell. I have tried with a text label and I could justified it by adding the following code to the diff property of the attribute:

"styles": {

     "labelStyle": {

          "textAlign": "center"




The label finally looked like this:

However, I did not find a way to center a checkbox field into the grid:

I hope you can offer me a solution. Thank you in advance!

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As a suggestion, you may modify the diff part of these elements, so that they will be in the same container.

After that, you should apply a needed style to both elements.

In this article, you can find an example of how to center different elements.

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Hi there,

In need to change bpm'online logo of loading page.

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To do that please contact your manager and discuss all needed details for further implementation.

Best regards,


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