Hello Everyone.

I want to log in a separate file every communication with a Web-Service (request , response time etc).Is there any built-in , or tools from Marketplace to realize this task. Or I should customize the source -code.  

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Perfect, then additionally you can use the same approach with EntitySchemaQuery, but create record is some section and then use the standard "Export to excel" functionality to get the file with request calls. So each time something is calling the GetErSumSq method you can create a record in some separate section (for example called "Integration call" and add information like DateTime.Now (to get the date and time when the method was called and which value was returned (sum))). Also you can try looking into the HttpContext, HttpContextAccessor and AppConnection to see which information is available there that can be used to additionally log the method call.


Best regards,


Hi Petrika,


This should be done directly in the code of the 3rd party endpoint to which the call is performed (in case we are discussing the 3rd party webservice call from the business process). Logs of the integration call on the Creatio side are accessible only via standard IIS logs. Or you can enable the process tracing to see the status of the call.


In case the webservice is stored in the Creatio configuration (standard anonymous or regular webservice) then you can either add a part of inserting a record to some specific table in Creatio (via InsertQuery class for example) and retrieve data from there.


Best regards,


Thank you very much for your immediate response Oscar. I have got an idea now.  This is what i am trying to do. I have created a button in the Front-End (Get Sum Ws) which calls in the Back-End a basic web service that caculates the sum of the AmountHC in Details Rows.

This is the code in the back-end

namespace test1323.Files.cs
    [EntityEventListener(SchemaName = "PetrikaExpenseReport")]
    [AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode = AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Required)]
    class DemoService : BaseService
        [WebInvoke(Method = "POST", RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, BodyStyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.Wrapped,
ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json)]
        public decimal GetErSumSq(string name) 
            EntitySchemaQuery entity = new EntitySchemaQuery(UserConnection.EntitySchemaManager, "PetrikaExpenseReport"); 
            entity.PrimaryQueryColumn.IsVisible = true;                                                                   
            IEntitySchemaQueryFilterItem parentfilter =
            EntityCollection records = entity.GetEntityCollection(UserConnection);                                      
            Guid parentId = records[0].GetTypedColumnValue<Guid>("Id");
           EntitySchemaQuery rows = new EntitySchemaQuery(UserConnection.EntitySchemaManager, 
            IEntitySchemaQueryFilterItem childfilter =
            rows.CreateFilterWithParameters(FilterComparisonType.Equal, "PetrikaExpenseReport", parentId);
            EntityCollection lines = rows.GetEntityCollection(UserConnection);
            decimal sum = decimal.Zero;
            foreach (var r in lines) 
                sum = sum + r.GetTypedColumnValue<decimal>("PetrikaAmountHC");
            records[0].SetColumnValue("PetrikaTotalAmount", sum);                                             
            return sum;

I want to log in a separate file every communication (request , response time etc) with GetErSumSq.



Perfect, then additionally you can use the same approach with EntitySchemaQuery, but create record is some section and then use the standard "Export to excel" functionality to get the file with request calls. So each time something is calling the GetErSumSq method you can create a record in some separate section (for example called "Integration call" and add information like DateTime.Now (to get the date and time when the method was called and which value was returned (sum))). Also you can try looking into the HttpContext, HttpContextAccessor and AppConnection to see which information is available there that can be used to additionally log the method call.


Best regards,


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Hi Community,


I have built a Business Process that Triggers on "Record Added" for a Section.

My goal is that when I Create a Record in the section with OData using the "POST method", That custom business process should be triggered by System. But It is not getting triggered.


When I tried to create a new record from the system itself ( instead of OData ), the process got triggered. 

Can someone guide me on this? Is there any System Setting or specific configurations needed to be done?


I am using a cloud instance of

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Hi Pratik, 

This is the know issue of the version. 

Our R&D team is working on this to be fixed in the future releases. 

There's a workaround to this issue. To implement it please create following request to support team (since your instance is cloud) :

1) set "false" to following keys in  Terrasoft.WebApp\web.config 

<add key="Feature-UseSeparatedOdataEntitiesDll" value="false" />

<add key="Feature-ODataEntitiesCompilationInSeparatedDll" value="false" />

if such keys don't exist, they can be added to  the block <appSettings>;

2) Generate source code for all schemas and compile all. 

Please note, that this fix is only applicable for 7.18.1. Please remove this tags from web.config when updating to newer versions of the application, as it will cause the Odata functionality to not work. 

You can also refer to this community post in your support request. 

Best regards,



Hi Pratik, 

This is the know issue of the version. 

Our R&D team is working on this to be fixed in the future releases. 

There's a workaround to this issue. To implement it please create following request to support team (since your instance is cloud) :

1) set "false" to following keys in  Terrasoft.WebApp\web.config 

<add key="Feature-UseSeparatedOdataEntitiesDll" value="false" />

<add key="Feature-ODataEntitiesCompilationInSeparatedDll" value="false" />

if such keys don't exist, they can be added to  the block <appSettings>;

2) Generate source code for all schemas and compile all. 

Please note, that this fix is only applicable for 7.18.1. Please remove this tags from web.config when updating to newer versions of the application, as it will cause the Odata functionality to not work. 

You can also refer to this community post in your support request. 

Best regards,



Hi Yurii,

It Worked, Thanks for the help. 


This solution is for version 7.18.1 only.

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hi all, 

i need answer for this question because i am confused


Which integrations are available by default in creatio ? list all of them please



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Hello Ibrahim,

You can integrate Creatio with the following external applications:

  • the OneLogin SSO portal, used as a single sign-on point for all your services, including Creatio. Learn more about OneLogin integration in the article.
  • the Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) software component used for managing single sign-on for all system users. Learn more about Active Directory Federation Services integration in the article.
  • the Just-In-Time User Provisioning (JIT UP) Single Sign-On, which alleviates the need to create accounts for each separate service and keep the user database up-to-date. Learn more about Just-In-Time User Provisioning integration in the article.
  • the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), which enables access to the dedicated database used to store the credentials of users, machines, etc. Learn more about Lightweight Directory Access Protocol integration in the article.
  • email providers by the IMAP/SMTP protocol. Learn more about email integration via the IMAP/SMTP protocol in the article.
  • Google mail, calendar, and contacts. Learn more about integration with Google in the article.
  • phone connectors, such as WebitelOktellAsteriskCisco FinesseTAPICallWayInfinity, and Avaya.
  • the MS Exchange and Microsoft 365 collaboration services. Learn more about MS Exchange and Microsoft 365 integration in the article.

    Best regards,


Bhoobalan Palanivelu,


In which exact integration are you interested? 

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Hi Team,

In the version "Creatio 7.18" release we have a feature to integrate Creatio with AWS-S3 bucket container to store the attachments and files.




I couldn't find any article to accomplish this in 7.18 and I can see only this https://marketplace.creatio.com/app/amazon-cloudfront-connector market place app.

Can you please provide us with an update on the steps to perform or achieve this in creatio 7.18?

Best Regards,

Bhoobalan Palanivelu.

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The integration was not officially released yet. It is being tested by our developers at the moment. Once all tests are fully completed we will update the documentation. 


Please let us know in case any further information is required. 


Best regards, 


Olga Avis,


Thanks much for the update!

Olga Avis,

By chance can we have any update for integrating AWS (S3) with Creatio as we have released 7.18.2, Please?

Olga Avis,


Can we have any update on the integration of AWS (S3) with Creatio, Please? 

Olga Avis,


We have the article updated for S3 integration in Creatio academy.


Is this only for on-site?

How can we implement the same in cloud site?

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Hi Community,


I've integrated Telegram with Creatio Chat,

but could we integrate our company site chat with Creatio?



If it's possible, then what is required, and are there any tutorials?

By the way, is there a #chat tag? Let's introduce.


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Hi Yuriy,


In-built Creatio functionality allows integrating with Telegram and Facebook chats and the procedure is described here (I believe you used this article to integrate with Telegram in your case). You will need to study the implementation of the Telegram integration in the system (server code part, not the Creatio UI part) and check if the API of your site chat allows integrating it with 3rd party services.


Unfrotuantely there are no tutorials on the Academy on this particular topic since this is a server-side development using API services.


As for introducing the new tag - I will ask our community team to add one.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Does this method require Creatio to be on-site? We have it in the cloud currently

Yuriy Konstantinov,


No, the endpoint where you chat logic is stored should be available for the cloud-based apps. If it has no firewalls and can send\receive requests\responses from the Internet then there is no difference if the app is located in the cloud or locally.


Best regards,


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Hi community,


We've this situation where we need to send all the attachments that are linked to Documents, including the byte[] data, to a SOAP based service.

We have two solutions in order to implement this:

  1. To send the attachments we could simply convert the byte[] data to base64 string and send it within the body of the SOAP message. Some of the files are more than 10MB, so this is not the best solution.
  2. The other solution is to use the MTOM message encoder, to send the attachments in multiple parts.

We have two questions:

  1. What are the best ways to send multiple attachments through SOAP based requests?
  2. If we choose to send the attachments using MTOM, how can we implement this?

Thanks in Advance.


Best Regards,

Pedro Pinheiro



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Hi Pedro,


Maybe it's better to call the https://<instance>/0/rest/FileService/GetFile/7B332DB9-3993-4136-AC32-09353333CC7A/fileId for all the files and receive a response from the third party service? You need to call this link for each record from the DocumentFile table (filed should be modified for each time with an actual Id of a record from the DocumentFile table). Previously we didn't have such requests and we have no practical example of the logic deployment. The link above is a base link used to download attachments when clicking them on the "Attachments" detail so you can try calling it in the webservice.


Best regards,


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Hi All,


Can anyone please tell me the steps to integrate Google Analytics with CREATIO?

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Hello Saswat, 


As of now, there is no Google Analytics Integration on a clean install of a standard Creatio product, also there are no similar integration marketplace applications as well. It can only be integrated with the help of the development process. In this respect, Google Analytics can be integrated through API as a separate, third-party application. Also, you can develop your personal web service to pull the data into Creatio or use OData protocol for this purpose. Please find the relevant articles on our Academy using the links below:





Best regards,


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Hello Community,

Can someone please tell me the exact steps needed to integrate Facebook with CREATIO CRM?

Warm Regards,


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7.17.0 release enables the possibility to add integration with Facebook lead generation forms. All you need to do is link a landing page record in Creatio with a Facebook business page and select one of the lead registration forms on it. As a result, each submission of the corresponding Facebook form will generate a new lead in Creatio. 


Furthermore, in the 7.17.0 version, customers can write private messages to your company page on Facebook or using the Facebook Messenger plug-in available on the website. You will be able to process all these messages in Creatio, they will be integrated on a customer page. 


More detailed information about these topics can be found in Academy articles: 

Please, let us know in case any further information is required. 


Best regards, 


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Hello Community,


I have business requirement to integrate one Creatio system to another. Could anyone guide me on how this can be achieved?

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Hello Community,


I have a business requirement to integrate one Creatio system to another. Could anyone guide me with how this can be achieved?

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