Dear Team,

We are facing an issue with the access rights for the records in the contact and account. By default, in the object permission for the contact and account, all the access are provided to the system admin and all employees and later had added the portal user in the operational permission and along with few organization roles and had provided the access as shown in the attached screenshot [Object_Permission.png] for both contact and account 


 As the portal user was not able to view the record even though the access was provided, we did disable the use operation permission and updated the record permission by doing that all the access for the record was removed. 


Later, again we enabled the use operation permission and updated the record permission, but the access wasn’t provided to the records which was removed from the previous step [Record.png]


There are more than 1 Lakh record in both the section, how can we provide back the access to all the records from the object permission?

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Hello Amritha,


We already have a support ticket regarding this issue.

Please refer to your case regarding this issue.


Thank you,


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Dear Team,


We have written a process to provide the access to a lead based on the owner selected. Attached, screenshot of the process [Access Provided to the Employee.jpg].

But the manager of the employee defined in the organizational structure and the manager above the employee in the structure are also able to edit the lead whereas they need to have only read only option as defined in the process.


Organizational Structure via screenshot



TopMost Manager.jpg

                Manager’s Manager.jpg

                                Employee Manager.jpg



In the process, have mentioned only read and edit option to Employee and other roles [tied hardcoding to read only] but still they are able to edit the lead.

Are there any changes to be done in object permission? 


Thanks in advance!


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Adding to the above question, noticed that access assigned record level to any records is not working as expected. Even if all the users are given only read access, still the users are able to edit the record in version


Amritha Mayan Gorky,




In our system Managers of a group inherit all the access rights of other users in this group. It's expected oob behavior and this logic cannot be overwritten with a business process, meaning that even if you remove the access rights with a help of business process, they will be granted on a system level.

As of now, such behavior cannot be changed with a help of basic system tools and require development. 

Also, we already have a corresponding query for our R&D team to implement the described functionality in the upcoming versions.

I will assign this case to the project in order to increase its priority.

Thank you for helping us to make our application better!

Best regards, 



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hi all ,

 i have a system admin with name john

i need to distribute access rights for accounts, based on account owner, so john should see only the accounts where he is the owner 


thanks all 

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Hi Ibrahim,


just enable the record permissions in the object permissions part of the system designer.

That's exactly what you need. Only the users which are saved in the creator and owner fields will have access by default.




Robert Pordes,


Thanks Robert 

Robert Pordes,


Hello Robert, 

Many thanks for your reply!


Ibrahim Nour El-Din,




Let me add a bit more details to Robert's answer. 


The permission mechanism (“Use record permissions” in the [ Object permissions ] section of the System Designer) is based on the record authorship. If the record author is a member of the role specified in the “Record author” column, Creatio will grant permissions to the receiving role specified in the “User or role who obtains permissions” column. If the receiving role is subordinate, its management role will inherit the granted permissions.


However, by default, Creatio grants maximum access permissions to the following users:

- The system administrators with permissions to the “Add any data,” “View any data,” “Edit any data,” and “Delete any data” system operations. These settings have a higher priority than the settings specified in the [ Object permissions ] section.

- The record author and the management role of the author, including the ability to delegate permissions to other users.

- The record owner and the management role of the owner, including the ability to delegate permissions to other users.


Please refer to the below article for more detailed information:…


In case you have any additional question, please let us know!


Best regards, 


Hi Anastasiia

can you explain me which is the management role of the owner ?

A user can belong to one or more roles.

Stefano Bassoli,


Thank you for your question.


The manager of the owner of the record will also grant the same permissions as the owner of the record. In other words. if your employee creates a record, you will inherit the same permission as your employee.


Please let us know if additional questions arise.


Best regards,




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Hello community.

I need to update access rights for Case records in the database.  

Please help me to find out the table name where access rights for case records are stored.

Thanks in advance,


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Best reply

Dear Jana, 

As for the Operation column everything is correct. 

Right level: 0 - Denied 1 - Granted; 2 - Granted with right to delegate.

SourceId - Id from SysEntitySchemaRecRightSource, indicates the source from which the right was received. 

Position - priority in rights hierarchy. If denying right has a lower number in this column it will be considered above any other rule. 

Kind regards,


Hello Jana,


The tale name should be SysCaseRight.

The same works for other objects - Sys[ObjectName]Right.


Best regards,

Bogdan S.

Bogdan, thanks for you reply yes Do I correctly understood that Operation: 0-Read, 1-Edit, 2-Delete. RightLevel: 1- Granted, 0-Denied. And what does Posititon and SourceId mean?

Dear Jana, 

As for the Operation column everything is correct. 

Right level: 0 - Denied 1 - Granted; 2 - Granted with right to delegate.

SourceId - Id from SysEntitySchemaRecRightSource, indicates the source from which the right was received. 

Position - priority in rights hierarchy. If denying right has a lower number in this column it will be considered above any other rule. 

Kind regards,


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Hi Team,


We are trying to provide access to newly created activity but instead it provides access by default to all the employees and owner of the activity.


We have written a process, were as soon as the activity is created we modify the access by removing access to all the users and by providing access to certain user.


But, the process gets called but the access doesn’t get assigned or removed as provided in the process design.


It still shows access to all employees and owner of the activity.


Question : How do we provide access to certain user while activity is created.


Attached, screenshot of the activity object permission. 

Process written for the assigning the access to the activity

The access of the activity after the process has been completed.




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Judging by the screenshot of the process you've sent the element "Set up Access rights " is not connected to the process. Please make sure it's connected and try again. 

If the issue persists don't hesitate to reply to this message. 

Best regards, 


Few questions ,


Who creates the activity ? Is it a admin or non Admin user ? 

If its non admin user then the above process will not work since the process owner would be a non admin role and in this case you may need to do some changes in the system settings for the user to give access. 


Let me know if this solves .


Thank you for the answer, it makes perfect sense. This may certainly be the case as well. 

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Hi Team,


  1. Supervisor provides access. To a user to read and edit already exiting dashboard tab
  2. But as soon as the user logs in, he is able to view the dashboard but has no option to edit it as the edit button is disabled?


Question : is there a way for the user to edit the dashboard post the access is provided to edit it ?




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Hello Amritha, 


Such situation can occur if this user does not have access to dashboards editing. To grant him access, double-check the operation permissions for Analytics setup and Dashboard object permissions (both operation & record) as well. It should resolve the issue.  


Best regards, 


Thanks Anastasiia,


But, we don't want to give the complete Dashboard access to the a user/role. If we do add the user/role in operation permissions for Analytics setup and Dashboard object permissions (both operation & record). By default the user/role will have access to all the tabs present in the Dashboard.


We want to restrict a user/role to a certain tab only not to add and then remove access from the remaining tab


Or create a new Dashboard based on the roles/users.


Is there a way in general Dashboard, i create a tab/use the old tab as shown in the above screenshot and give access to a user and when the user logs in can view/edit only that tab not the rest of the tabs?




Amritha Mayan Gorky,



By a default the Dashboard object permissions are set as on the attached screenshot: 


So this way All employees can edit all the dashboards and it will be enough to "Set up the access rights" for a specific dashboard to prevent All employees from editing this dashboard or grand Edit permission for a specific user.  


However, in case the operation permissions will be removed (not granted for a specific user/role) the user will not be able to Edit the dashboard even if he is added to  "Set us access rights" of a specific dashboard. 

I would advise you to set the Dashboard object permissions as mentioned and in case you need to restrict access to the dashboard for a specific role/user simply configure the "Set up the access rights" for a specific dashboard. 

Best regards, 


Thanks Anastasiia. This works perfect !

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Hi community!


How I can achieve case:

Only users assigned to the System administrator role are possible to change the Lead stage if its value is final positive (from final positive to any other). For each other stages, all users can change this value. 


I need a solution like the business rule: if the user's role is Admin & the stage is Satisfied then the stage is editable.


Other fields should be editable (cannot remove edit access to the record on the Satisfied stage)



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Dear Paulina,


This can be achieved by using a case setting. Just add intermediate stage between final and any other stage and use option "Restrict this stage to specific users or roles" for all roles except Admin. This will allow to change the record from the final stage only to them and mark that the stage was changed for ordinary users. 


Best regards,


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Hello community,


We are trying to restrict access of some Creatio users to specific IPs. We are doing this using the 'Range of allowed IP addresses' detail inside 'Access rules' in System users. We however cannot get this to work either on an on-premises installation or on a Creatio cloud installation.


Pls find below a screenshot showing that a user is able to login into the App outside of the permitted range of IPs. Are there special settings to be enabled/set to get this to work?? Does the server need to be restarted or Redis cache cleared or any additional step? What are we doing wrong? 


Thanks in advance


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Best reply


It is also necessary to update the useIPRestriction parameter to true value in web.config. If you are uisng cloud instance - please approach our support team to update the value.

Apart from that, it is necessary to add the user or the role, that you want to restrict the IP access for, to the operation permission Ignore access check by IP address with NO access level.





It is also necessary to update the useIPRestriction parameter to true value in web.config. If you are uisng cloud instance - please approach our support team to update the value.

Apart from that, it is necessary to add the user or the role, that you want to restrict the IP access for, to the operation permission Ignore access check by IP address with NO access level.




Dean Parrett,

Thank you Dean. It was the Web.Config setting. This was not available anywhere in the Academy/Community

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Hi Commnunity,

   I want to data bind the access rights of a sectional dashboard. I tried data binding the sysdashboard object of the particular section and exported the package. I then installed the package in another instance and found that the access rights were set to default. 


Please let me know if there is any method to data bind the access rights.


Thanks and Regards,


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Best reply



Unfortunately, there is no basic way to import/export access rights from the system since it is a complicated mechanism and it cannot be extracted from the system easily. You can use custom SQL scripts in the package in order to transfer such information. Below you can find tables that store information about access rights:

  1. Sys[SectionName]Rights
  2. SysEntitySchemaColumnRight
  3. SysEntitySchemaOperationRight

Since it is a complicated task we suggest using the Marketplace application which can ease access rights setup:


Please, let us know in case any further assistance is required. 


Best regards,




Unfortunately, there is no basic way to import/export access rights from the system since it is a complicated mechanism and it cannot be extracted from the system easily. You can use custom SQL scripts in the package in order to transfer such information. Below you can find tables that store information about access rights:

  1. Sys[SectionName]Rights
  2. SysEntitySchemaColumnRight
  3. SysEntitySchemaOperationRight

Since it is a complicated task we suggest using the Marketplace application which can ease access rights setup:


Please, let us know in case any further assistance is required. 


Best regards,


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Hi Community,

I want to bind the access rights of a dashboard of a particular section. I tried databinding sysdashboard object with the filter for a particular section and exported the package. I then imported the package to another instance and found that the access rights were reset to defaults.


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