Hi all,

i want to ask on how to filter the filtration field.

i want this field shows only some data, not all.

how to do it?


thanks all..


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Hello Jordy,

You can do that in the following way:

1) Open the replacing object that is usually in the Custom package (in the configuration).

2) Open all settings of the object: http://prntscr.com/ioprlo

3) Then you can set the usage mode for the column as "None".

Please note that if you set such usage mode for the column, you won't be able to filter the records by it but also you won't be able to add this field to be displayed in the tile or list view in the section.

Best regards,


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I would like to be able to change the records that are can be viewed by the workplace that the section is viewed in and/or the current user role.  For example, if the section, Requests, is viewed by Product Quality Engineers in Product Qualification, I would only want to display Qualify a Product requests.


Dear Janine,

Could you please give us some more details on your idea? Do you want display only those records in the section that are on some particular stage? Thank you for more details in advance.

Looking forward to your reply. 


Dean Parrett,

Whenever a user views records in a section, I would like to be able to filter the records that they can view by the Workplace they are viewing and their role.  It is irrelevant to the status of the record, but being able to filter by record fields and user characteristics would be helpful. I would like sections to look different depending on who is viewing them and where they are viewing them, rather than having to rely on lists in dashboards or folders.

Dean Parrett,

A good start would be to be able to select a default folder by Section, but it would be better if it was also sensitive to the Workplace the Section is in because Sections can be used in multiple Workplaces.

The Janine,

Thank you for the reply.

We've registered your idea and forwarded to our R&D team for consideration and implementation in future. Thank you so much for helping us to improve our product.

Best regards,


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Please enable filtering more than one level deep.  For example, I set up a section for role assignments with contact and role.  Role has a boolean for determining if the role is appropriate for a specific process.  I can't filter an assignment selection in an edit page based on the boolean in the role. I also can't filter for more than one role.  Currently, the only way to handle this without development is to allow any assignment to be selected, then use a process to monitor the selection after the record is saved, which is suboptimal.


Dear Janine,

Can you please specify in what part of the system you want this functionality? In business rules setup? 

Angela Reyes,

Yes, business rules is where I would use it right now.

Janine White,

Thank you very much for your idea! We have informed our R&D team so they consider enhancing this functionality in upcoming releases.

Best regards,


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Is there a way to filter a section list for it to show only the first 10 records?



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Hello Javier,

Currently there is no possibility to do that with the help of standard filtration tool. I will create a request to our R&D team so they could add this functionality to the OOB version. Thank you for this suggestion!

Also please note that you can use sorting tool in a section that also allows to show first 10 records based on sorting direction. Also you can use tags so to mark 10 records that can be found in future if needed.

Also you can add a field on the page (integer type) that can be auto incremented upon records adding. You will also need to add a system setting that stores current number of this field. At the very beginning it will be 0. After that you need to create a business process that will update the value of added on the page field for the new record with the value of that system setting and after that increase the value of system setting to n+1 where n - is a current value.

Best regards,


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I have the following multiple filters working in a lookup:


"filters": [

                        function() {

                            var filterGroup = Ext.create("Terrasoft.FilterGroup");













                            return filterGroup;




I need to add another filter but ordering the filters in the following logical operation:

Segment AND (Role OR Role)

Looking forward to your comments. 






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Just found the solution to this problem in the following thread:


Javier Collazo,

You can also take a look at this chunk of code, it also represents the combination of two filter groups. The idea is to make firstly one filter group for OR clause. Afterwards, you create a second filter group, which combines a first one OR and other clause. By default filters are added via AND.

getCurrentUserAndTypesFilter: function() {

   var filterGroup = new this.Terrasoft.createFilterGroup();

   filterGroup.logicalOperation this.Terrasoft.LogicalOperatorType.OR;

   var innerFilterGroupCreatedBy = new this.Terrasoft.createFilterGroup();




      this.Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL"Tag.Type", TagConstants.TagType.Private));

   var innerFilterGroupOtherTypes = new this.Terrasoft.createFilterGroup();

   var types = [TagConstants.TagType.Corporate, TagConstants.TagType.Public];


      "Tag.Type", types));



   return filterGroup;




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Hi Community,

I have created a Widget, which data is already populating. Any idea how I can filter data and put header labels on the grid and add action buttons on each record in the list.


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Dear Fulgen,

You can add filtration an captions in the configuration of your custom widget, in case you have created it via new module. In case you use the basic system functionality of List, there is a second tab when configuring the List. where you can apply needed filtration:

In any case you can find the needed widget in the SysDashboard table. In the "Items" column you can find the configuration of your widget. Here you can indicate column captions as well as filtration ("caption". "filterData"). Dashboard configuration looks like this:

{"DashboardGrid":{"parameters":{"caption":"Top emails by audience","sectionBindingColumn":"Id","sectionId":"9de4f21c-e418-4172-9c3a-1bf1ae366b92","entitySchemaName":"BulkEmail","filterData":"{\"className\":\"Terrasoft.FilterGroup\",\"items\":{\"d357f339-ce45-4586-b832-7f2d90808db5\":{\"className\":\"Terrasoft.InFilter\",\"filterType\":4,\"comparisonType\":3,\"isEnabled\":true,\"trimDateTimeParameterToDate\":false,\"leftExpression\":{\"className\":\"Terrasoft.ColumnExpression\",\"expressionType\":0,\"columnPath\":\"Status\"},\"isAggregative\":false,\"key\":\"d357f339-ce45-4586-b832-7f2d90808db5\",\"dataValueType\":10,\"leftExpressionCaption\":\"Status\",\"referenceSchemaName\":\"BulkEmailStatus\",\"rightExpressions\":[{\"className\":\"Terrasoft.ParameterExpression\",\"expressionType\":2,\"parameter\":{\"className\":\"Terrasoft.Parameter\",\"dataValueType\":10,\"value\":{\"Name\":\"Completed\",\"Id\":\"42328932-9ad6-4512-9950-662ffba2c53c\",\"value\":\"42328932-9ad6-4512-9950-662ffba2c53c\",\"displayValue\":\"Completed\"}}},{\"className\":\"Terrasoft.ParameterExpression\",\"expressionType\":2,\"parameter\":{\"className\":\"Terrasoft.Parameter\",\"dataValueType\":10,\"value\":{\"Name\":\"Starting\",\"Id\":\"c6e21ad8-e243-4656-aafc-1312f97c4521\",\"value\":\"c6e21ad8-e243-4656-aafc-1312f97c4521\",\"displayValue\":\"Starting\"}}},{\"className\":\"Terrasoft.ParameterExpression\",\"expressionType\":2,\"parameter\":{\"className\":\"Terrasoft.Parameter\",\"dataValueType\":10,\"value\":{\"Name\":\"In progress\",\"Id\":\"7789ac0c-450b-40a3-b341-3d6b799649b4\",\"value\":\"7789ac0c-450b-40a3-b341-3d6b799649b4\",\"displayValue\":\"In progress\"}}}]}},\"logicalOperation\":0,\"isEnabled\":true,\"filterType\":6,\"rootSchemaName\":\"BulkEmail\",\"key\":\"\"}","style":"widget-navy","orderDirection":2,"orderColumn":"SendCount","rowCount":5,"gridConfig":{"items":[{"bindTo":"Name","caption":"Name","type":"link","position":{"column":0,"colSpan":16,"row":1},"aggregationType":"","metaCaptionPath":"Name","metaPath":"Name","path":"Name","serializedFilter":"{\"className\":\"Terrasoft.FilterGroup\",\"items\":{},\"logicalOperation\":0,\"isEnabled\":true,\"filterType\":6,\"key\":\"\"}"},{"bindTo":"SendStartDate","caption":"Sent on","type":"text","position":{"column":17,"colSpan":5,"row":1},"dataValueType":7,"aggregationType":"","metaCaptionPath":"Started on","metaPath":"SendStartDate","path":"SendStartDate","serializedFilter":"{\"className\":\"Terrasoft.FilterGroup\",\"items\":{},\"logicalOperation\":0,\"isEnabled\":true,\"filterType\":6,\"key\":\"\"}"},{"bindTo":"SendCount","caption":"Sent","position":{"column":22,"colSpan":2,"row":1},"dataValueType":4,"metaPath":"SendCount","path":"SendCount","orderDirection":2,"orderPosition":1}]}},"widgetType":"DashboardGrid"},"DashboardGrid1":{"parameters":{"caption":"Links by number of clicks","sectionBindingColumn":"BulkEmail","sectionId":"9de4f21c-e418-4172-9c3a-1bf1ae366b92","entitySchemaName":"BulkEmailHyperlink","style":"widget-turquoise","orderDirection":2,"orderColumn":"ClicksCount","rowCount":5,"gridConfig":{"items":[{"bindTo":"Url","caption":"URL","type":"link","position":{"column":0,"colSpan":20,"row":1},"dataValueType":1,"aggregationType":"","metaCaptionPath":"URL","metaPath":"Url","path":"Url","serializedFilter":"{\"className\":\"Terrasoft.FilterGroup\",\"items\":{},\"logicalOperation\":0,\"isEnabled\":true,\"filterType\":6,\"key\":\"\"}"},{"bindTo":"ClicksCount","caption":"No. of clicks","position":{"column":20,"colSpan":4,"row":1},"dataValueType":4,"metaPath":"ClicksCount","path":"ClicksCount","orderDirection":2,"orderPosition":1}]}},"widgetType":"DashboardGrid"}



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There are default section filters available in all sections. But customisation can be done to include other filters also. For example, adding 'Status' field as default filter in orders section.

You can also set default value for the status filter so that only orders with that status will list in the grid.

We have created a blog where step by step explanation on  how to create custom section filters in orders section for 'status' field is given 


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Hi Sriraksha, Nice post, I was looking for something like this and am implementing it at a customer. I have 2 questions that maybe you can help:

1) where is the documentation for the " initFixedFiltersConfig" method? where can I find all parameteres that are accepted by the method? I tried to find it here https://academy.bpmonline.com/api/jscoreapi/7.12.0/index.html but without success.

2) I actually need the filter to return a subset of a columnfor the values available to be chosen. Something like this:

columnName: “Owner”,


"OwnerIsAproved" == true

Do you know how I could achieve this?


Thanks in advance,


Luis Tinoco Azevedo,

1) There is no documentation regarding the initFixedFiltersConfig method due to the fact that the method is in the configuration. Please use Ctrl+Shift+F in a browser developers console and you'll find it. Please read the code and you'll find all the information about the method.

The jscoreapi documentation describes only core methods that you can find neither in the configuration nor in the browser. The methods are in all-combined.js.

2) If you need complex filters it's much easier to use dynamic folders. You can configure them according to your needs and save them. 

Hi Eugene,

Thanks for the feedback.

1) It's clearer now why it does not show on the jscoreapi.

2) I understand the dynamic folders sugestion, I have 2 comments , that has made us look for another solution:

a) Dynamic fitlers are easy for me to setup but are not very intuitive for some end users

b) In this specific case we need to have dinamic filters for the combination of 2 variables: "Empresa Rangel"(a subset of Account's that has made post the question on how to get this subset) and "tipo de sinistro", and the filters need to work in such a way that I need to quickly change between all combinations of these 2 variables. If I create all of the necessary combinations I'll have to create 45 advanced filter folders which is not very practical.

The implementation so far is almost has I need it to work with 2 extra filters:

I just need that the filter on the account returns only the accounts that match a true boolean ("empresa Rangel" == true) in the account section.

Any help on how I could achive this?

Thanks in advance

In order to achieve the goal please add a checkbox and a method that will check the checkboxes' state each time it's changed. Please find an example in the case section. There is a checkbox called "Show closed cases" that does the mentioned functionality.


Hi can we add text filter for eg: I want to add custom filter for Customer name that will be a text can it be done? 

Bhumika Bisht,




Using initFixedFiltersConfig method I am not sure if it's possible, however there is such filtration in the Product catalogue where you can input product name and only products with the needed name will be shown. What should be studied is the logic behind QuickSearchModule module in the ProductSelectionSchema. I was able to replicate it in the Orders section:

and (for example searching for ORD-4):

Pay attention to getQuickSearchFilterConfig, onQuickSearchFilterUpdate, handleFilterForGridDataView and _clearGridData methods there, properly override the loadGridData method, specify UpdateQuickSearchFilter and QuickSearchFilterInfo messages and you should be able to get the same result.

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Right now if you add a filtration business rule to a record page in a section, it only filters the options for the column on a record page. If you close the record and look at the list view and click filters/folders, all of the column's options are available as opposed to only the filtered options that were available in the record page.

Use case example: If you want portal users to only be able to see a select few accounts in the system, you can apply a business rule on the portal cases record page to filter the accounts column so that portal user can only see the accounts you want them to. However, if that portal user goes to the main portal cases section in the list view and opens a new filter on accounts, the menu for setting up the filter shows ALL accounts they have access to.

The only solution right now is to manage by records and take away access to the account records you don't want them to see. This can be cumbersome to manage. It might be nice to have the option to apply field filter business rules that work on the list view for the section.


Dear Mitch,

I have forwarded your request to our business analysts. They will evaluate the possibility of implementation in future system releases. Thank you for the idea! 

Best regards,


Dear Mitch,

You've described the right way to achieve your goal. Records have to be managed using access rights. Other ways are insecure.

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the AccountFolder.SearchData is a binary field that has the filter query. On the server side, how can I use that field to apply that filter on the "Account" and get all the account Ids?  

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Hello Kumar,

Unfortunately there is no possibility to filter binary fields directly in esq queries directly on server side. The SearchData  field contains filter for Accounts that can get into the folder, so if you need accounts from this folder you can select it from table AccountInFolder.

Actually, if the task is to get Accounts that fits for that filter, we recommend to built esq query matching the filter. It is much more easier and productive.

Best regards,


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I'm trying to get the list of OpportunityFile associated with an Opportunity with no success.

I tried the following requests:

1.Using the link Url I'm getting a "Not Implemented" exception.


<error xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices/metadata">

Not Implemented

Not Implemented

at System.Data.Services.WebUtil.GetRequestEnumerator(IEnumerable enumerable)
at System.Data.Services.DataService`1.SerializeResponseBody(RequestDescription description, IDataService dataService, IODataResponseMessage responseMessage)
at System.Data.Services.DataService`1.HandleRequest()

Method 'SelectMany' not supported

at Terrasoft.Core.Entities.EntityQueryProvider.VisitMethodCall(MethodCallExpression node)
at Terrasoft.Core.Entities.EntityQueryProvider.Build(Expression expression)
at Terrasoft.Core.Entities.EntityQueryProvider.LoadEntityCollection(Expression expression)
at Terrasoft.Core.Entities.EntityQueryProvider.ExecuteEnumerable(Type elementType, Expression expression)
at Terrasoft.Core.Entities.EntityQuery`1.GetEnumerator()
at System.Data.Services.WebUtil.GetRequestEnumerator(IEnumerable enumerable)

2. Using the $filter based on OpportunityId I'm receiving an exception saying the "OpportunityId not found".

https://.bpmonline.com/0/ServiceModel/EntityDataService.svc/Opportunity… eq guid''

<error xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices/metadata">

Collection item with name OpportunityId not found.

Collection item with name OpportunityId not found.

at Terrasoft.Core.Entities.EntitySchema.GetSchemaColumnByPath(String columnPath)
at Terrasoft.Core.Entities.EntityQueryWhereBlockBuilder.CreateExpression(Expression node)
at Terrasoft.Core.Entities.EntityQueryWhereBlockBuilder.CreateSimpleFilter(BinaryExpression binary)
at Terrasoft.Core.Entities.EntityQueryWhereBlockBuilder.CreateFilter(Expression node)
at Terrasoft.Core.Entities.EntityQueryWhereBlockBuilder.BuildBlock(MethodCallExpression node)
at Terrasoft.Core.Entities.EntityQueryProvider.VisitMethodCall(MethodCallExpression node)
at Terrasoft.Core.Entities.EntityQueryProvider.Build(Expression expression)
at Terrasoft.Core.Entities.EntityQueryProvider.LoadEntityCollection(Expression expression)
at Terrasoft.Core.Entities.EntityQueryProvider.ExecuteEnumerable(Type elementType, Expression expression)
at Terrasoft.Core.Entities.EntityQuery`1.GetEnumerator()
at System.Data.Services.WebUtil.GetRequestEnumerator(IEnumerable enumerable)
at System.Data.Services.DataService`1.SerializeResponseBody(RequestDescription description, IDataService dataService, IODataResponseMessage responseMessage)
at System.Data.Services.DataService`1.HandleRequest()

How can I get the list and avoid the exceptions? 

Thanks in advance. 

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Hello Radu,

You can use the following filter to accomplish this: 

https://<server>.bpmonline.com/0/ServiceModel/EntityDataService.svc/OpportunityFileCollection?$filter=Opportunity/Id eq guid'<opportunity_id>'

Note, the filter itself is as follows (forward slash between the Opportunity and Id): 

Opportunity/Id eq guid'someguid'


Ryan Farley,

Thanks Ryan. It works.

Hello Radu,

You are experiencing such difficulties cause request is built in wrong way.

Also, check Ryan`s answer above, it seems that it`s correct.

How to create request with filter to ODATA service you can find here:


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