
I have added a number column to the OpportunityFile object, and I have two separate File details for uploading to the same Opportunity. I would like each detail so set my new column to a different value (numbers 1 or 2). How can this be achieved?

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Hello Jordan,


There should be two different schemas for these two details that are using the same object. To achieve your task you need to add this method two both your details schemas:


methods: {

            save: function() {




            setInteger: function() {

            this.set("UsrInteger1", 2);




and replace UsrInteger1 with the name of your integer column from the object and specify the value of 1 or 2 in this part


this.set("UsrInteger1", 2);


for each detail schema separately. As a result, each time you add the file to each detail your integer column will be populated with the correct integer value.


Best regards,


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I am trying to set up a trigger email at the moment for anyone who downloads a whitepaper from our website. The email will have the whitepaper either attached or preferably linked in the body. How do I go about doing that?

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Hello Collette,

Bulk/trigger emails are not supposed to have files attached to them since email provider can reject sending this email. The only way to have pdf file being attached to an email if it is trigger/bulk email - is to put this file as a link to a body of an email. Your file should be stored in some public storage that can be accessible by anyone and the link to it will be like this https://test_storage_system/$File/TestSheet.pdf. But if you put this link to the body of an email - recipients will get an error when open it. So you need to use OpenElement parameter at the end and make the link look like this https://test_storage_system/$File/TestSheet.pdf?OpenElement. As a result users will see opened pdf document (which they can download after that) that can be accessed from your bulk/trigger email.

Best regards,


Thanks Oscar, 

Are there any add-ons in the market place that solve this? Or do you have a suggestion for a storage company that works well with bpm'online? 



There is no marketplace add-on that allows storing data. You need to create your own storage that can be accessible by everyone - for example public FTP storage system. Remote storage is just a remote storage and in terms of trigger/bulk emails there is no difference between them - the only requirement is that it should be accessible.

Best regards,


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When creating a case automatically from an email, is there a way to configure it to add the attachment of the email as an attachment of the case?


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you can see my sample, how we add email attachment to the lead attachment.

So, you can created process on 'case is created' and add attachements from received email to the Case

Thank you!

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Im trying to lock an attachment from being downloaded from the knowledge center. Is this possible in some way? I would need a full lock, nobody except Supervisors could download them

Thank you for your time

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Dear Pablo,

Such task can only be achieved by the means of development in the system.

In the Configuration add a replacing schema of FileDetailV2.

In the schema, you need to:

1. Initialize check of the current user, whether he has system administrator role. This is an ESQ method called in init function.

2. Set the result of ESQ to an attribute, so to use it later in the method check.

3. Override basic addColumnLink method and add two checks: section check and system administrator check.

The example of replacing FileDetailV2 schema is displayed below:

define("FileDetailV2", ["ConfigurationConstants"], function(ConfigurationConstants) {
	return {
		attributes: {
			"isSysAdmin": {
				"type": Terrasoft.ViewModelColumnType.VIRTUAL_COLUMN,
				"dataValueType": Terrasoft.DataValueType.BOOLEAN,
				"value": false
		methods: {
			init: function() {
			addColumnLink: function(item, column) {
				if (this.parentEntity.EntityName === "KnowledgeBase") {
					if (this.get("isSysAdmin")) {
				} else {
			getUserRights: function() {
				var scope = this;
				var currentUser = Terrasoft.SysValue.CURRENT_USER.value;
				var sysAdmins = ConfigurationConstants.SysAdminUnit.Id.SysAdministrators;
				var esq = Ext.create("Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery", { rootSchemaName: "SysUserInRole" });
				esq.filters.add("SysUser", Terrasoft.createColumnFilterWithParameter(
					Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL, "SysUser", currentUser));
				esq.filters.add("SysRole", Terrasoft.createColumnFilterWithParameter(
					Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL, "SysRole", sysAdmins));
				esq.getEntityCollection(function(response) {
					if (response && response.success) {
						var result = response.collection;
						var isSysAdmin = (result.collection.length !== 0);
						scope.set("isSysAdmin", isSysAdmin);
				}, this);



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How do I set up a folder to filter by Attachment?  For instance, I'd like to see all Accounts which have an Attachment that's named "Client Rebalancing"

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Dear Lisa,

You can create a filter like that:

Best regards,

Lily Johnson

Thanks that worked!

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Is there a way to send an attachment inside of a business process?

  • The attachment location/directory is data driven, different for each contact
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Dear John,


Here's the method that can be used to implement sending the attachments within business process:

		public static bool SendMail(string mailto, string caption, string message, Guid FileId, string SchemaName, UserConnection userConn) {
			string smtpServer = Terrasoft.Core.Configuration.SysSettings.GetValue(userConn, "SFsmtpServer").ToString();
			string from = Terrasoft.Core.Configuration.SysSettings.GetValue(userConn, "SFFrom").ToString();
			string password = Terrasoft.Core.Configuration.SysSettings.GetValue(userConn, "SFPassword").ToString();
			Stream FileA = null;
			string Fname = "";
			var esq = new EntitySchemaQuery(userConn.EntitySchemaManager, SchemaName);
			esq.Filters.Add(esq.CreateFilterWithParameters(FilterComparisonType.Equal, "Id",FileId));
			var coll = esq.GetEntityCollection(userConn);
			foreach(var ent in coll) {
				FileA = ent.GetStreamValue("Data");
				Fname = ent.GetTypedColumnValue<string>("Name");
			try {
				MailMessage mail = new MailMessage();
				mail.From = new MailAddress(from);
				mail.To.Add(new MailAddress(mailto));
				mail.Subject = caption;
				mail.Body = message;
				mail.IsBodyHtml = true;
				if (FileA != null)
					mail.Attachments.Add(new Attachment(FileA, Fname));
				SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient();
				client.Host = smtpServer;
				client.Port = 587;
				client.EnableSsl = true;
				client.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(from.Split('@')[0], password);
				client.DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network;
				return true;
			} catch(Exception e) {
				throw new Exception("Mail.Send: " + e.Message);

Please note that in this case the file is taken from Attachments and Files tab of the record. If you want to take the file from the external resource you'll need to develop the additional integration.



Lisa Brown,

Is posible select the sender mailConfiguration? This code take the default email. I need select a shared configuration.

Lisa Brown,

Please feel free to use ESQ to find the mailbox that you need.


All user mailboxes are in the MailboxSyncSettings table.

Eugene Podkovka,

Hi, using the script above, is it possible to let the user edit the email message before sending? (like you can do when you use the [ Send email ]?

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I do not see a way to add an attachments to an email template for use in a process.

File attachments



Dear Marc,

At the moment there is no option to create a template with the attachments as well as there is no possibility to send the bulk emails with the attachments, since it can result in emails going into spam folders in the contacts’ mailboxes. We have registered the suggestion to add the functionality and our R&D team will consider improving the functionality in one of our upcoming releases.

Best regards,


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We are using 7.2 onsite. When I click on the attachement its being automatically downloaded on my computer. Is there a way it could be asking me wether I want to save the file (with posiibility for entering location) or open it?

File attachments



Hi Patricia,

You need to activate the necessary setting in your browser. In case of Chrome:

In case of Chrome:

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