Hi Team Creatio,


I have an excel file when I want to import the file it doesn't work or 0%.


Following file attch, is lookup the cause of this?


Please Feedback




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Please kindly contact our support in order to resolve this query 

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I want to set to null a date field in the opportunities by performing a file import.

In Creatio, the date field is filled in, i want to set it to null.

I can not find the syntax to do this...

So what must i write in the excel date field if it is possible to to this...

Thank you !


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Best reply

Hello Nicolas,

The logic of making the field empty using data import is not developed yes and as a result, there is no way to make the field empty using the import tool. 


We've registered it in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases.


Thank you for helping us to improve our product. 

Hello Nicolas,

The logic of making the field empty using data import is not developed yes and as a result, there is no way to make the field empty using the import tool. 


We've registered it in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases.


Thank you for helping us to improve our product. 

Hi Nicolas, 

It's possible to do using the free add-on available on Marketplace. 




Have a great day! 



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Good day!

I need help to understand an error during install of package.

Terrasoft.Core.Packages.Exceptions.InvalidDescriptorInFileSystemException: Invalid discripter: 
Reading of property "Type" is not supported 
Path: UsrTest ---> Terrasoft.Common.InvalidObjectStateException: Reading of property "Type" is not supported
   at Terrasoft.Core.Packages.PackageFileStorage.Read(DataReader reader, Package package) 
   at Terrasoft.Core.Packages.PackageFileStorage.b__201_0(JsonDataReader reader, Package package) 
   at Terrasoft.Core.Packages.PackageFileStorage.InitializeDescriptor[T](Action2 initializeDescriptor, String descriptorFilePath, T descriptor) 
   at Terrasoft.Core.Packages.PackageFileStorage.CreatePackageDescriptorBasedOnDirectory(String directoryPath, Action2 initializeDescriptor) 
   --- End of inner exception stack trace --- 
   --- End of inner exception stack trace --- 
   at Terrasoft.Core.AppInstallation.Packages.Operations.PackageZipOperations.ThrowIfPackageStorageItemErrorsExist(PackageStorage packageStorage) 
   at Terrasoft.Core.AppInstallation.Packages.Operations.PackageZipOperations.Load() 
   at Terrasoft.Core.AppInstallation.Packages.Backup.ZipPackageBackupManager.ComposePackages(String sourcePackagesPath, String tempFilesPath) 
   at Terrasoft.Core.AppInstallation.Packages.Backup.ZipPackageBackupManager.CreateBackup(String sourcePackagesPath, String tempFilesPath, String backupPath, String code) 
   at Terrasoft.Core.ServiceModelContract.PackageInstaller.PackageInstallerServiceInternal.<>c__DisplayClass25_0.b__0() 
   at Terrasoft.Core.ServiceModelContract.PackageInstaller.BaseInstallerServiceInternal.InvokeWithLogging(Action action) 

Install log is in the attachment.

It works without any errors and is imported correctly in other systems (on versions higher).

Is there something I can change in the package? Or is it a problem in the system I import package in?   

How can I fix this?

Thank you in advance!

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The cause of the problem is the difference between the versions of websites of Сrеаtio that you used during the development of your package versus installation.

Kalymbet Anastasia,

Dear Anastasia, 

Thank you for expllanaition. Is there any possibility to make my package suitable for versions lower than original?

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Is it possible to export an existing database schema into a creatio datamodel? Or from an ERD Data export?


I use lucidchart to create a model of my database, it has export functions for MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, Oracle SQL and a similar platform as creatio, Quickbase. 


Does creatio support such an import wizard?

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Hello Pascal,


unfortunately this is not quite possible.

The thing is that you can export the DB in such way, but you will not have any objects in the system.

So we would recommend sticking to the standard way. Also, we will register this option as a wish for the dev team to implement it in the future.




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In database I have Order table and Product in Order Table. The Order table i have the same Order no but it not a same record because it order created a different day


OrderNo : 0001 Created : 2022-01-21

OrderNo : 0001 Created : 2022-02-21


The problem is I cannot import Product in Order table data by match order no and date in Order table



How import data by excel file with same order no but different date and different record

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Maybe you could create a single column in Creatio to store order number + date, then in the Excel file use a formula to append the values together and map that value to link to the order? 


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For some technical issues, I had to reinstall database. so I exported the package "Custom" to be able to import it via application install. while trying to import it, it fails to restore configuration from backup.

How can I retrieve configuration done on this custom package? is there any best practice to export packages?



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Hello Mariam,


You can export the package from the Configuration section:


But we recommend installing the package in the Installed application section. So you will be able to download the application log to check the errors.


Best regards,


Hello Bogdan,


Thank you for the reply. in fact this is what I have done and then I tried to import the package from the installed application section. bellow is the screen of import failure. 

Bellow is a snippet of the errors in log file.

Error occured while performing operation on "Custom" item, UId = a00051f4-cde3-4f3f-b08e-c5ad1a5c735a.

2022-04-15 10:15:43,737 System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (Error occured while saving resources for schema 'UsrServiceCatalogc9afd9b9Section' in 'Custom' package for 'pt-PT' culture) (Error occured while saving resources for schema 'UsrServiceCatalogc9afd9b9Section' in 'Custom' package for 'ro-RO' culture) (Error occured while saving resources for schema 'CaseInFolder' in 'Custom' package for 'pt-BR' culture) (Error occured while saving resources for schema 'UsrSchema6cea64dfPage' in 'Custom' package for 'it-IT' culture) (Error occured while saving resources for schema 'UsrSchema6cea64dfPage' in 'Custom' package for 'vi-VN' culture) (Error occured while saving resources for schema 'CaseInFolder' in 'Custom' package for 'he-IL' culture) (Error occured while saving resources for schema 'UsrSchema6cea64dfPage' in 'Custom' package for 'ar-SA' culture) (Error occured while saving resources for schema 'UsrSchema6cea64dfPage' in 'Custom' package for 'fr-FR' culture) (Error occured while saving resources for schema 'UsrCaseVisa' in 'Custom' package for 'en-US' culture) (Error occured while saving resources for schema 'UsrSchema6cea64dfPage' in 'Custom' package for 'cs-CZ' culture) (Error occured while saving resources for schema 'UsrRentalVehicle' in 'Custom' package for 'nl-NL' culture)


mariam moufaddal,

Did you ever find a solution?

The package "Custom" cannot be exported between environments. A solution would be to add a new package and add the same dependencies as in the package "Custom" and move files from Custom to the new created package. then you can export that package between environments.

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We need to import some data to inactivate contacts on a monthly basis. I want to import a contact identifier and then execute a business process to mark the imported contacts as inactive.


We have other import needs that also need to execute a business process for each row. 


Does anyone know of any utility/marketplace add on that will allow us to execute a bp for each import row?


Ideally, it would be great to be able to have a BP system function that would import a file and then process each row, but I'd take a scripted object to read the file in and process each row.

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Hi Marry,

Unfortunately, are no such basic tools for imported records/


The only way to achieve your business task is to create a new business process with a start signal with an event that should trigger the signal (Record added / Record modified).

Please note you should enable this business process before the import and disable afer.


Best regards,


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I'm importing activity records for contacts who are not associated with an account. When I open one of the imported records, the contact field is empty. Is an account required to have a contact on an activity? I do have the category field set to "Visit to contact."

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Hello Jeffrey,


Hope you're doing well.


No, it's not necessary to populate the Account field. It seems you didn't set the field mapping correctly, so the Contact wasn't added as expected. Please try to import the Activity records using the mapping settings. For example:

configure the column values in the Excel file:



choose the Activity object as a target object:


match the needed columns:



and perform the import (using or noty using the duplicate checking, it depends on your business task).


As a result, the needed record was imported and it's also viewable from the connected contact:



Also you can find more information and examples of import/export in the articles below:


Best regards,


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Hi community,

is it possible to load the data to import in the same structure used by data import standard feature and launch it programmatically ?


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Hello Stefano,

Can you please provide us more detailed information on your business task?

Thank you in advance!

Best regards,



I would like to load programmaticaly the temporary table used by creatio when I import an excel file and then launch  the import, specifing which entity fill 

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Hi community!


Our customer wants to import campaigns with participants of an old system to keep that data as history.

I managed to import the campaigns (see Can't import campaigns | Community Creatio), but I can't import the participants.

The import tells me that the field 'current step' is mandatory. Is there any way to work around this or a fixed value that I can use? My problem is that the old campaigns do not have a single step, because they just act like an empty container and the participation should be used as criteria for building marketing segments in the future.


Thanks and BR,


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Best reply

Hello Robert,


If possible, I would suggest filling the field of CampaignParticipant table


1) The following script will add one empty CampaignItem record (which is current step) for each campaign:


Insert into "CampaignItem" ("CampaignId") (select "Id" from "Campaign") 


2) Then you can set the name for all those records if you want:

update "CampaignItem" set "Name" = 'test' where "Name" = ''


3) The next script will set the CampaignItemId (if it is null) of the CampaignParticipant to any that is available in the corresponding campaign (There will always be at least one since in the first script we added one for each):

update "CampaignParticipant" set "CampaignItemId" = (select "Id" from "CampaignItem" where "CampaignItem"."CampaignId" = "CampaignParticipant"."CampaignId" limit 1) where "CampaignItemId" is null


That last script will only modify the participants who do not already have current step specified. 


If you know that there are campaign items for each campaign then you can skip the first and second scripts.


Hope it helps!


Best regards,


Hello Robert,


If possible, I would suggest filling the field of CampaignParticipant table


1) The following script will add one empty CampaignItem record (which is current step) for each campaign:


Insert into "CampaignItem" ("CampaignId") (select "Id" from "Campaign") 


2) Then you can set the name for all those records if you want:

update "CampaignItem" set "Name" = 'test' where "Name" = ''


3) The next script will set the CampaignItemId (if it is null) of the CampaignParticipant to any that is available in the corresponding campaign (There will always be at least one since in the first script we added one for each):

update "CampaignParticipant" set "CampaignItemId" = (select "Id" from "CampaignItem" where "CampaignItem"."CampaignId" = "CampaignParticipant"."CampaignId" limit 1) where "CampaignItemId" is null


That last script will only modify the participants who do not already have current step specified. 


If you know that there are campaign items for each campaign then you can skip the first and second scripts.


Hope it helps!


Best regards,



Hi Max,


thanks, that worked like a charm! I executed scripts 1 and 2 and then imported the participants with reference to the newly created step (I have deleted the participant table before to have a fresh start).


Many thanks and best regards,


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