
I have 2 VMs for Creatio v8.0.8.4807:

1 on Windows Server 2016 wirh iis where located all Creatio files

2 on Ubuntu 20 with Postgres 12 + Redis

So after all installation steps i face with a problem 

Config Error   The configuration section 'terrasoft' cannot be read because it is missing a section declaration

Config File   \\?\C:\inetpub\wwwroot\\Terrasoft.WebApp\web.config

I have checked web.config and ConnectionString and all seems fine

Also attached the error screen and in rar format web.config + ConnectionString

Thanks in advance


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Hi @Babyshark! How are you? I strongly recommend to double check the necessary windows componentes: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/7-18/user/on_site_deployment/applicati…


Uriel Nusenbaum,

Hi, Uriel

I have checked everything and all seems installed. Unfortunately still have the same problem. No idea how to solve the issue.

Thanks for trying to help me.

You are welcome! If you want you could share a print with the result of this command. Please see the image below:


Thank you


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I have a few processes that have a trigger to run daily at 2AM or 4AM. Unfortunately, on my local environment, they start running only after I open Creatio. Also, all processes that have triggers don't work on weekends.


Dows anybody know how I can set up my IIS in order for them to work?


Thank you!

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Ghiu Diana Stefania,

The BP will be executed only when the Creatio Application (i.e., the Creatio worker process is running) running. Unless there is no application pool/worker process of the Creatio instance running, any configuration like auto trigger event designed inside the application won't work.

The trigger should be all day, if the weekends are excluded the trigger wont be initiated.




Bhoobalan Palanivelu.



To remedy this situation, we recommend setting up a ping that will send requests to the app at a specified frequency and prevent it from "falling asleep" in the absence of active users.

The following procedure describes the setup procedure:

Set Idle Timeout = 2 for the IIS application pool on which the application is running. Configure automatic monitoring of the Loader and the application.

Use the free monitoring service https://uptimerobot.com/ to set up automatic monitoring with a frequency of 5-10 minutes.

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How can I run multiple local instances hosted in IIS at the same time? I have 2 instances hosted in IIS, so When I login into 1st instance, the system logs me out of the 2nd instance and vice versa. Any suggestion?

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The problem is probably that the domain name of the websites is the same (for example my_site:88 and my_site:89). It is not possible to contain multiple sessions on the same domain.


Best regards,


In addition to Max's comment (about ensuring both sites have a different port in IIS) you need to make sure you've modified the Redis database number in the connections to both have a different number. For example, if one of the websites have Redis database number of 1, change the other to use a value of 2.


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