Hi community,

I'm following the available documentation to achieve this but when I try to create the Replacing view model module the system doesn't find any existing "Parent object" with the code OperatorSingleWindowPage.

I already created a custom package called "Test", as you may notice in the previous screenshots and I can't find anymore information about this problem.

I don't know if the more recent versions of Creatio doesn't support this anymore. I would like to know if I'm doing something wrong and if there is any other way to hide that panel.

The version of the environment I'm using is

Thanks in advance for your help! 

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Ryan Farley,

It worked, thank you very much!

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Hi Community,


I have created a POST API which accepts class object as parameter. Below is my code.



When I tested my API using Postman, I am getting Object Reference Error.



Any idea, what's wrong with my code? In academy I cannot find any example of configuration service which accepts class object as parameter.


Thank you so much

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Hi Fulgen,


It usually means that the problem is somewhere with the UserConnection. Can you please also check the application logs at the moment of issue reproduce? Maybe they contain more information on this topic?


Best regards,



You also need to add the [DataContract] attribute to the class you're passing/returning (the ActivityRequest and Activity classes) 


Ryan Farley,

 Hi Ryan, Thank you for your reply.


I tried to put [DataContract] and [DataMember] attribute on my object classes but still the same error I am getting. 

Fulgen Ninofranco,

Fulgen, I believe your issue is how you're passing the body to the service. Since the method takes a single parameter named "activityRequest" which is an object, the body should look like this:

    "activityRequest": {
        "DepartmentId": "the id here",
        "StatusId": "the id here"

This way, the parameter of activityRequest will be filled with the object containing the two values of DepartmentId and StatusId. The way you're passing the body in now, it is assuming there are two parameters, one named DepartmentId and one named StatusId, so when you try to use the activityRequest properties the object is null.


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Hi Community,

Using the below example from academy on how to create custom configuration service. I can get the contact id as a result.


Now what I want to achieve, after getting the result I want to open that specific record on Contact Page. How can I possibly do this?


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The task that you want to achieve theoretically can be achieved using a business process that is triggered upon adding record to the contacts section and you need to specify "open edit page" element that will open created record. Also on contact's page you need to add a checkbox which should be checked and it should be defined in conditions which fit created record. For example create a checkbox that is called "Created bia webservice" and when creating a record via webservice you need to transfer the parameter "true" for this checkbox so the record is created with checked checkbox and triggers business process execution that will open edit page of this record.

Best regards,


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