
It seems that Creatio Marketing email size is limited to 5mb.

Is there a way to change the acceptable limit size in the system parameters, or is this limit set by the ESPs (ElasticEmail or Sendgrid) ?



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Unfortunately, there is no workaround with the 5MB limit, since it is a restriction from the ESPs side.

It is a general recommendation to optimize size of your bulk email attachments.



we asked the ESP ElasticEmail, according to them, our limit is at 10mb.

Is there a technical reason why in Creatio it is 5mb ?



Damien Collot,


Thank you for the information. We will pass it on to our R&D team.

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Does Creatio allow to sign outgoing e-mails with S/MIME?

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Unfortunately, at the moment, there is no mechanism for signing outgoing emails in Creatio.


We have registered the request for our development team to evaluate the possibility of implementing such a mechanism in future releases of the application.


Thank you for helping us make our product better!

Best regards,


Thank you for the reply :)

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Hello Community, 

I have a client who has several shared mailboxes synchronized. Currently, two of them are parameterized for sending emails:

- One is used for customer communications 

- The other is used for communications with the partner

Whenever an e-mail is created from a case or an e-mail is replied to from within the case, "From" takes over one of these mailboxes by default. For example, when replying to an email from the partner, we want the "From" to be with the mailbox synchronized for communications with the partner, but it always assumes the other one for communications with the customer and we have to change it manually. 

Is there any way of dynamically changing the "From"?


Thank you. 

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Unfortunately, it is not possible to achieve this with basic methods; development methods need to be applied.


We have also registered a request for our development team to evaluate the possibility of dynamically populating this field in future versions of the application.


Thank you for helping to make our product better.

Best regards,


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How can I restrict the "send mail" action so that for all processes, e-mails can only be sent to addresses with a specific domain, and if another domain is used, a pop-up with an error message appears when saving the process?


Thank you.

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Hi Ivan,


Unfortunately, it's not possible to display a pop-up showing an error message when attempting to save a process that is restricted to a specific domain. However, you can achieve something similar by implementing your business process logic.

For example, you can store an email address in a parameter and check if the email address contains a specific domain. If it doesn't, you can change the parameter to an empty value. Then, uncheck the "Ignore errors on sending" option in the "Send email" action to display a pop-up if any errors occur. This way, you will receive a pop-up with an error message because having a different domain in the email address will result in an empty recipient, which leads to an error.

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Hello, everyone, 

Can anyone help if it is possible when we have a shared mailbox that is going to be used for sending e-mail the signature of the e-mail is different based on the user who is sending the e-mail? 

We have managed to set up a signature per mailbox, but what we want is for this signature to be by user. For example: 

* User A: send an e-mail from the shared mailbox with his signature. 

* User B: also sends an e-mail from this shared mailbox but with their signature. 

Is this possible?

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Unfortunately, it is not possible to do. Direct replies should contain some template with macroses in case you want to change the signature for each user who needs to use this shared mailbox to perform direct replies. You can create a simple template containing a signature only, which will be different for different users.  

We've registered it in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases. Once this task is completed, we will inform all our clients and customers in release notes available on our Academy.

Thank you for reporting this issue to us and helping us improve our application!

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I have locally installed the creatio environment + downloaded the zip archive and setup the email service


Install and run Email Listener:

  1. Open the directory to deploy Email Listener on the server dedicated for the service.
  2. Download and unpack the archive that contains the setup files to the directory. Download the archive.
  3. Open the / Creatio Email Listener component directory and run the following command:

docker-compose up -d


Executed the above command. I was able to add the email account + other configuration but when I run the diagnostics,  I do face the error as attached, how to resolve it?


I tried checking the Email Listener log 


2023-12-14 19:18:46,098 [105] WARN NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM Warn - mailbox account@gmail.com synchronization settings not valid


I also do not see any email listed in the notification icon -> Mail.


Creatio is able to successfully send Creatio test message email from the diagnostic page.



2023-12-14 19:13:46,080 [106] DEBUG NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM DebugFormat - ListenerServiceFailHandler started

2023-12-14 19:13:46,080 [106] DEBUG NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM DebugFormat - ExchangeListenerManager created

2023-12-14 19:13:46,097 [106] WARN NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM Warn - mailbox account@gmail.com synchronization settings not valid

2023-12-14 19:13:46,097 [106] DEBUG NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM DebugFormat - Events subscription for 882c1561-***-****-****-******** mailbox created

2023-12-14 19:13:46,097 [106] DEBUG NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM DebugFormat - Failover synchronization of account@gmail.com started

2023-12-14 19:13:46,097 [106] WARN NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM Warn - mailbox account@gmail.com synchronization settings not valid

2023-12-14 19:13:46,097 [106] DEBUG NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM DebugFormat - Failover synchronization of account@gmail.com initialization ended

2023-12-14 19:13:46,097 [106] DEBUG NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM DebugFormat - Email synchronization process for 882c1561-***-****-****-******** mailbox created

2023-12-14 19:13:46,097 [106] DEBUG NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM DebugFormat - ListenerServiceFailHandler ended

File attachments
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I kindly request your attention to a post where a similar issue was discussed.


 It is also crucial to ensure that the release version of the microservice is being used (Please note that to deploy a new version of the microservice, you need to contact Creatio technical support to grant you access to the repository).


Regarding the warning "mailbox account@gmail.com synchronization settings not valid," please check that the needed folders are chosen during folder synchronization. (in case you are syncing mails from the folders)

Try stopping the mailbox synchronization in the mailbox settings and restart it by reconfiguring the synchronization parameters.


Such issues may arise due to the specifics of deploying the local environment and may depend on other factors.


The best way to ensure that everything is configured correctly is to send an email from the system.

If emails are sent and synchronized successfully, you can ignore the error as it is not related to the email sending functionality.


Best regards,


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i was sending an email does anyone know how to solve this issue.

Failed to send a message. The following error was received: vhalloyd@gmail.com: The system setting “ExchangeListenerServiceUri” is not populated. Please contact your system administrator.

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If you are referring to your local website, you need to deploy the 'Exchange Listener synchronization service' to send emails.


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Hi all,


We are trying to send an email from a business process, but we notice that we have to set Mailbox first. When we tried to enter the email, we encountered this error.


What should we do?




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Best reply

David Chandra,


Please contact support team to get credentials to the repository.

Hi David,


If it's a local website you should deploy an Email Listener synchronization service.


I'm trying to follow your suggestion.

However, I encountered an error when trying to deploy the docker-compose.


root@server03:~/downloads/docker-compose# docker-compose up -d

Building with native build. Learn about native build in Compose here: https://docs.docker.com/go/compose-native-build/

Pulling ListenerAPI (registry.creatio.com/emaillistener:1.0.17)...

ERROR: Head "https://registry.creatio.com/v2/emaillistener/manifests/1.0.17": no basic auth credentials


It seems that the image cannot be downloaded.

David Chandra,


Please contact support team to get credentials to the repository.


I managed to make the EmailListener work by using docker.

Thank you for your help.

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Hi all,


Please kindly advise if there a way for us to not show [#UsrText#] in email template/ report when the field is empty


Many thanks



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As for now the only way to check if the macros has no data inside it is to manually select a template in the email editor and see which data is populated for the user or not. Also in case you are using some information on the record you need to check if all the records have values in the columns that are used as macro sources. Unfortunately that is all for now, but we have already posted our R&D team to improve this functionality in the future.

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Hello all,


I am trying to configure an email element in a dynamic case but when I try to select from a main record column so that I can send the email to the contact who submitted a Case, I am unable to select the contact's email to add in the email element. How can I assign the email?


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Hello Kevin, 


Please use this article in order to find an answer to your query: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/user/bpm_tools/dynamic_case_setup/case…

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