
How can we filter to left "client" field in opportunities to show only accounts for selection and not contacts or accounts ?


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Hi Damien,

You can add this to the page attributes to remove the contact lookup option:

attributes: {
  "Client": {
    "multiLookupColumns": ["Account"]


Hi Damien,

You can add this to the page attributes to remove the contact lookup option:

attributes: {
  "Client": {
    "multiLookupColumns": ["Account"]


Ryan Farley,


Thanks, worked perfectly :)

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Dear Team,


We have changed/added new stages based on the customer requirement and they don’t want any activities to be created/performed in stage movement. Hence only stages are added but OOTB activates are showing up. Even though no activities are available in the opportunity case stage.


Question : How To disable/remove the OOTB activities from the section .


Thanks in advance! 

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These activities are most likely created by different business processes. I would suggest checking if there are any processes in the process log that are starting immediately after you change the stage. There might be processes that are being triggered by the DCM or the ones that have the starting signal set to a change in the stage of the opportunity. The processes can contain "Perform task" elements which you can remove or disable these processes altogether.


Hope it helps!


Best regards,


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Hi everyone,

I'm looking for a way to customize the Add order based on opportunity BP.

I added some fields to the 'product in opportunity' object, like: discount amount, discount %, semester and schoolyear. Added semester and schoolyear to the product in order object too (discount amount, discount % fields are already exist there).

Now, I want these values to be copied when creating an order from an opp, just like the other fields of the product in order do.

I found this process does the order and creates the products  


but don't know how to extend the script there (the script that adds the products in on the Adding opportunity products to order  element. 

Is there a way to get to the function that are being executed in that script?

Adding the element's script here.

Thanks in advance,


if (ProductItems.ToString() != "" || IsCopyAllProduct) {
	var copyProductsOperation = Factories.ClassFactory.Get<
		new Factories.ConstructorArgument("userConnection", UserConnection));
	copyProductsOperation.Execute(new Terrasoft.Configuration
		.CopyOrderProductsArgs {
			OpportunityId = CurrentOpportunity,
			OrderId = NewOrder,
			IsCopyAllProducts = IsCopyAllProduct,
			ProductItems = ProductItems
return true;


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Hi Chani,


You can create your own process and modify the script-task in the way you need or you can copy products from the opportunity to the created order using the "Add data" process element and the sub-process that will receive a collection of OpportunityProduct records.


Now step-by-step:


1) In the OpportunityOrderUtilities schema there is the CreateOrderFromOpportunity method that is called upon clicking the "New order" button on the opportunity page:


this is the code of the button:

and here is the method itself:

As we can see here the method reads the value for the system setting with "CreateOrderFromOpportunityProcess" code. By default the value for this system setting is "Add order based on opportunity":

So we can place any process with the simple start signal there.


2) You can either create your own script task in the newly created process (use the code from the original OOB process as an example or paste it and extend in the new process). Or in the new process you can use the collection of records read from the OpportunityProduct object and if the number of records is greater than 1 you can pass this collection to the sub-process that will add data to the created order (the object is OrderProduct).


So you need to select one of these two options: either extend the script-task or use the collection of records and a sub-process.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Thank you.

But I do want to use the option of selecting products (see pic), how can I have that and get the products list to use in the add data element?

I tried looking in the  Add order based on opportunity BP, but I only see a text parameter for products list.


Chani Karel,


This is a part of the showProductDialog method of the same OpportunityOrderUtilities module. This will be called regardless of if the process is changed or not. Once products are selected, they are passed to the runProcessCreateOrder method. The list of selected products will be passed as an array of ID's to the process:


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,


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How can I add some fields (customer state and more) to the Customer box under BANT box on opportunity page?

see pic.

Thanks in advance,



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Hi Chani,


You need to replace the ClientAccountProfileSchema module and add new elements there. For example to display "Also known as" column for the Account you need to add the following code to the replaced module:

define("ClientAccountProfileSchema", ["CommunicationOptionsMixin"],
		function() {
			return {
				entitySchemaName: "Account",
				messages: {},
				mixins: {
					ProfileSchemaMixin: "Terrasoft.ProfileSchemaMixin"
				attributes: {},
				methods: {},
				diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[
						"operation": "insert",
						"name": "AlternativeName",
						"parentName": "ProfileContentContainer",
						"propertyName": "items",
						"values": {
							"bindTo": "AlternativeName",
							"layout": {
								"column": 4,
								"row": 7,
								"colSpan": 20

As a result the profile container will be modified:

If a contact is selected as the value for the "Customer" field and you need to add some fields to this container - same approach, but you need to replace ClientContactProfileSchema module.


Best regards,


Hi Chani,


You need to replace the ClientAccountProfileSchema module and add new elements there. For example to display "Also known as" column for the Account you need to add the following code to the replaced module:

define("ClientAccountProfileSchema", ["CommunicationOptionsMixin"],
		function() {
			return {
				entitySchemaName: "Account",
				messages: {},
				mixins: {
					ProfileSchemaMixin: "Terrasoft.ProfileSchemaMixin"
				attributes: {},
				methods: {},
				diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[
						"operation": "insert",
						"name": "AlternativeName",
						"parentName": "ProfileContentContainer",
						"propertyName": "items",
						"values": {
							"bindTo": "AlternativeName",
							"layout": {
								"column": 4,
								"row": 7,
								"colSpan": 20

As a result the profile container will be modified:

If a contact is selected as the value for the "Customer" field and you need to add some fields to this container - same approach, but you need to replace ClientContactProfileSchema module.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Thank you so much!!!!

Where do you access this module, code? Are you edited the 'Opportunities' code?

Joseph Matthews,

No, you need to edit the ClientAccountProfileSchema module

(It's in the same place where the opportunities module is in the advanced settings) 

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I have created my favourite list view for Opportunities with relevant cloumns for my job.


Now I need an additional list view with different columns for a specific report.


Is it possible to have several list views ans switch between them?



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Hello Geir,

Unfortunately, there is no such functionality in our system. 

As a workaround, you can use the list and title views for your business task.

Best regards,


Hi Bogdan, thanks for quick reply. I am not quite sure what you mean?.

Can you explain?

Dear Geir,

You can set up two different views. One for list view and another one for the title view: 


Best regards,


That works! Thanks!!


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Hi Team,


We are trying to add new detail in a lead and post the lead is converted to opportunity, have written process to copy the values added in the lead detail to the created opportunity detail. The process is completed and there is no error and the value gets inserted into the DB but in the UI [filed] the value is empty/doesn't show up


Steps :

Created a new detail in the lead and have values of data type : date, float, integer.


Similar detail is created in opportunity also


In the lead, have filled the values for all the three data types and after converting the lead to opportunity.

Have written a process to map the detail value from lead to opportunity detail

Verified the DB, post the data insertion part. All the datatype value is correctly inserted.


But in the opportunity section, when we open the detail.  Values for data type float, integer is available but the value for date is missing?


Create instance being used is 7.15.1

Question : What could be the reason that a date value is present in the DB but doesn’t show up in the UI/front end.

Note : In both details, the data type is “Date” only

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Hi Amritha, 

Such scenario works properly on newer OOB version of the application. 

Please check if there are any errors in the developers console when opening the page. 

I'd recommend you to update the application to the newest version. 

If the issue persists or the update is not an option for you please contact us at  support@creatio.com and provide us with access/ copy of the DB. 

Best regards,


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Dear mates,

Can i close the opportunity page in a process  ?

When an opportunity is closed and won, an order page opens automatically.

As soon as the user save the order, the order page close and the user returns to the opportunity.

I would like he stays on the order when he save it and i would like to close the opportunity too.

How can i do this ?

Thank you


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Dear Nicolas,


As of now, this can be achieved only via development. You can find examples of this implementation on community: https://community.creatio.com/questions/how-stop-redirection-new-order-section-opportunity



Best regards,


Dear Max,


i override  the Save method and i modify my autosave method and it works fine i stay on the order where the order is saved.


But when i add a product to the order, the order is saved and it go back to the opportunity.


Do you know where the save method is call in this case ?

In my orderproduct detail, there is a save button:


Shall i override the save method of the orderproduct detail ?


Thank you !




LÉZORAY Nicolas,




You will need to override the _navigateBack method (that is called by the afterSave method) of the ProductSelectionSchema schema. This method publishes the "BackHistoryState" message via sandbox and is responsible for pushing the user back in the history.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Hi Oscar,

So i have to replace the ProductSelectionSchema.

In the documentation, i have to used "Replacing Client Module":


But i cann't find it in my system:


What must i used to replace ProductSelectionSchema ?


Thank you !


LÉZORAY Nicolas,


You need to use a replacing view model.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Thank you Oscar,


i overrided the ProductSelectionSchema _navigateBack method.

i commented the line: this.sandbox.publish("BackHistoryState");


Now when i save the product in my orderproduct detail, i stay on the orderproduct selection page. how can i close the detail page to go back into the order ?

Oscar Dylan,

by overloading the _navigateBack method, I haven't found a way to close the product details page without the order also closing.

LÉZORAY Nicolas,

Override de productselectionschema:


            methods: {


                 * Additional processing after products saving.

                 * @protected


                afterSave: function(args) {

                    this.sandbox.publish("ProductSelectionSave", this.findSelectedProducts(), [this.sandbox.id]);





                 * @protected


                UsrnavigateBack: function() {

                    var isOpportunityPage = window.location.href.indexOf("OpportunityPageV2") > 0;

                    if(!isOpportunityPage) {


                        this.set("IsPageClosed", true);

                    } else {

                        this.config = this.sandbox.publish("ProductSelectionInfo", null, [this.sandbox.id]) || {};

                        window.location.assign("ViewModule.aspx#CardModuleV2/OrderPageV2/edit/"  + this.config.masterRecordId);





and it works !

even if at the end the user pust close two times the opportunity

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Hello community,


I'm trying to change the project number in the opportunity folder. But the lock is preventing me to do so. Is there any way to change it?


Edit: In the opportunities section, we have marked an opportunity with the wrong project number. I would like to change this, but the lock does not let me change the number. Is there a way to change the number?




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Hello Jeremy,


Could you please provide us with more detailed information on this issue?

Thank you in advance!

Best regards,


Bogdan, In the opportunities section, we have marked an opportunity with the wrong project number. I would like to change this, but the lock does not let me change the number. Is there a way to change the number?

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So have this default Opportunity Section which we edited to change the UI for creating a New Record (see image for reference). Then we change it in a way that choosing customer can only be through accounts, which we are having the prompt error actually.


After checking all the previous version of OpportunityPageV2, I can't find anything that prompts this error, any thoughts/comments?

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I'm able to afford to fix my problem via the following code segment. I both declared this in minipage and pagev2 of opportunity.

          "Client": {
            "caption": {"bindTo": "Resources.Strings.Client"},
            "dataValueType": Terrasoft.DataValueType.LOOKUP,
            "multiLookupColumns": ["Account"],
            "isRequired": false

Thanks a lot!

Hello Solem,


Hope my message finds you well.


You can check the Opportunity object and find the 'Customer' column, then disable the requirement for this field to be populated. Also, you can use Section Wizard / Page Designer to find the configuration for the mentioned column. Additionally, if you use the mini-page for the Opportunity section, there also need to disable the requirement for the Customer field.


Best regards,



I'm able to afford to fix my problem via the following code segment. I both declared this in minipage and pagev2 of opportunity.

          "Client": {
            "caption": {"bindTo": "Resources.Strings.Client"},
            "dataValueType": Terrasoft.DataValueType.LOOKUP,
            "multiLookupColumns": ["Account"],
            "isRequired": false

Thanks a lot!

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In the Ootb Opportunities Section, there are two columns, Sales Cycle Duration and Overall Sales Cycle Duration. They seem like they are populated automatically but I cannot figure out how. Does anybody happen to know how these columns get updated?

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You can find updateOpportunityDaysValues method in BaseOpportunityPage

You can find updateOpportunityDaysValues method in BaseOpportunityPage

Vladimir Sokolov,

Thank you.

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