Dear mates,

In one of our dashboard block, i want to display the sum of the opportunity value.

It works fine, but the currency is $

How can i change it to € ?

Thank you !


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How should i make dashboard with closed won and closed lost opportunity per employee/contact?

it must show me my employees and theirs won and lost opportunities 


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Hi Arkadiusz,

There are many ways how to implement your business task. 

As a variant, you can create a chart with 2 Series to display 2 conditions per user:


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i have a little problem with new order button on opportunity.

I want this button was visible only when stage of opportunity is Closed Won stage

i've changed in BP adding filter. Maybe it's something with package ? When I add this filter current package changed and i can't save as OrderInSales the proper package. Even I change current package on custon this is not working.


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Please note that there is no option to hide the button with a business process.


So there is no option to make button "Add New order" stay hidden until the opportunity stage change on Closed Won?

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Hello Creatio team,

i am trying to open an existing record in Opportunities.

When i open the record it redirects to a new one.

Why is this happening ?

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To investigate this behavior, we ask you to submit a request to our team via or the Success Portal. 


We'll need to access the instance remotely in order to help.


Thank you for your cooperation!

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Even though it's great to have an opportunity DCM best practice example, we encounter the need for most clients / prospects to review it from scratch.

However, the OOTB Opportunity and lead DCM's are quite heavily embedded in the system, and it would be great to have a step by step guide to explain which processes are active and linked to these 2 DCM's and how to deactivate them.

Also, how to handle the current entries (lookup data for example ) so to make sure that they do not appear in filters etc (as it is not recommended to delete OOTB fields).


Hello Damien,


Thank you so much for your idea. We've registered it in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases.


Thank you for helping us to improve our product

Hi there,

Any news ?



Damien Collot,


The registered idea has been accepted, but at this moment the implementation of it hasn't been put on a roadmap so we do not have any ETA for it yet. However, I will mention this inquiry there to raise its priority.

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Hi community!


I am trying to make uneditable the Customer column from Opportunity object based on the stages of the opportunity (dcm bar). My only issue is that I cannot find that column, in section wizard I find it as a script object - I am not sure how to work with that.

Thank you!

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Hi Nicolaiciuc Maria,

You can find this MultiLookup column implementation in the "BaseOpportunityPage" schema.


"Client": {
	"caption": {"bindTo": "Resources.Strings.Client"},
	"dataValueType": this.Terrasoft.DataValueType.LOOKUP,
	"multiLookupColumns": ["Contact", "Account"],
	"isRequired": true


    "operation": "insert",
    "parentName": "ProfileContainer",
    "propertyName": "items",
    "name": "OpportunityClient",
    "values": {
        "bindTo": "Client",
        "layout": {
            "column": 0,
            "row": 1,
            "colSpan": 24
        "tip": {
            "content": {
                "bindTo": "Resources.Strings.ClientTip"
        "controlWrapConfig": {
            "classes": {
                "wrapClassName": [
        "controlConfig": {
            "enableLeftIcon": true,
            "leftIconConfig": {
                "bindTo": "getMultiLookupIconConfig"
    "alias": {
        "name": "Client",
        "excludeProperties": [
        "excludeOperations": [


Please feel free to modify the below attribute in your "OpportunityPageV2" schema.

"Client": {
        "caption": {"bindTo": "Resources.Strings.Client"},
        "dataValueType": this.Terrasoft.DataValueType.LOOKUP,
        "multiLookupColumns": ["Contact", "Account"],
        "isRequired": true,
        "Enabled" : {"bindTo": setEnabled} 

Add below in the Methods section of your "OpportunityPageV2" schema.

setEnabled : function(){
    //Your custom logic
    return true or false


Bhoobalan Palanivelu.

Bhoobalan Palanivelu,

Hello, and thank you for your help. I added the column in the attributes part of the schema and the function in the methods part. Unfortunately, in the console I get an error saying that my function is not defined. What should I look on further?

I am having the same issue and it is driving me mad. I followed the above steps but the page just hanged when trying to create a new opportunity. Has anyone resolved this?


Bhoobalan Palanivelu,

Hi Bhoobalan


I tried your solution and the page just hangs when creating a new Opportunity. It does not seem to like the new attribute code. Is there something else that needs to be added? 


Thanks in advance

Hi Rob,

The problem is that you need to write setEnabled in brackets:

"Enabled" : {"bindTo": "setEnabled"}

Also, instead of overriding attribute, you can add this to the diff:


				"operation": "merge",
				"name": "OpportunityClient",
				"values": {
					"enabled": {"bindTo": "setEnabled"} 


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As a User

I want to be able to generate an order from the level of opportunity

because I do not have time to paste the field values ​​from the chance to order


The button in the opportunity record view is visible if the opportunity in the Closed Won stage.

The button takes us to the order creation view.

Completing the fields:



Order Date = Expected Close Data

Value = Amount

Status = Draft

Is that possible? If yes, how can i do this?

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Hi Arkadiusz Polus,


Please feel free to check this Marketplace addons about the implementation of Copy Button functionality inside the opportunity record page.

In your case, You Can do this by writing a business process that Creates a order record and update the column values fetched from your opportunity.

Adding Buttons:






Business Process:



Then use PushHistoryState message to open the page of Order

var activeRow = this.get("ActiveRow");
if (activeRow) {
    /* Get the primary contact identifier. */
    var primaryId = this.get("GridData").get(activeRow).get("PrimaryContact").value;
    if (primaryId) {
        /* Create an address string. */
        var requestUrl = "CardModuleV2/ContactPageV2/edit/" + primaryId;
        /* Publish a message about updating the page navigation history and go to the primary contact page. */
        this.sandbox.publish("PushHistoryState", {
            hash: requestUrl




Bhoobalan Palanivelu.

Hello Arkadiusz,


There is already a pre-configured process for the opportunity "CreateOrderFromOpportunity" that is realized as a button on the Opportunity page. There is a way to replace it with your own version and modification or to create a new process and link it to the opportunity page via the section wizard.


Business Process seems to be the most proper way to satisfy your needs.


"The button in the opportunity record view is visible if the opportunity is in the Closed Won stage" might be the only feature that can't be done OOTB in old UI, as it is not possible to hide Business Process under Actions or button by business rules. In this case a solution may be to add a validation in the very process if the opportunity is in the right stage and if not - show a waring  pop up page to the user and terminate the process.



On the other hand it can be easily done in the new Freedom UI by using the condition setting (business rules). Please note that to use Freedom UI you will need to create a whole new section to replace the old one as the OOTB Opportunity page is not compatible with new UI.


"The button takes us to the order creation view." This one may be completed by a business process element "Open edit page". You may check CreateOrderFromOpportunity as an example


"Completing the fields"


Add data element is used here:


This is how the logic in CreateOrderFromOpportunity process is done. You are welcome to use it as an example for your own needs.


Best Regards,


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Is it possible to display the product catalog list for opportunity products ?

Like 2



Hello Sasori,

Please find the solution here.




The solution stated to Create a new object and set the product catalogue.

In this case, how to enable the product catalogue for OOTB product object detail in the Opportunity section (OpportunityProductInterest) ?


Bhoobalan Palanivelu.


Bhoobalan Palanivelu,


The detail "Product in order" is not the standard details (details with the editable list). For this kind of detail, there is a special logic implemented in the code, which is necessary for its correct work. As for now, there is no possibility to add it to the page using the Wizard.

While adding the detail "Product in order" by Wizard, some particular part of the code logic is not being transferred. In order to have this detail working as expected, it only can be added via the changing of the basic logic (development skills are needed).


However, there is a different solution - to create the detail using the editable list, but without using the product catalog.


You can find the user guide on how to add the editable list details here:


You are free to use the mentioned guide as an example.


Also, in order to view the products in connection, used in Wizard, it is needed to create a separate detail in Wizard (as an object you can use the same - "Product in order").


Thanks for the response!

With customer development, we were able to make a custom object work like a product catalogue. But how to handle it for the existing object?

All the functionalities of  "Product In Order" were able to achieve in custom detail objects through a development mechanism. But how to make the existing "OpportunityProductInterest" which is a detail in the opportunity section to act like a product catalogue?

OOTB "Order in Product" detail object: As Product Catalogue


OOTB Order in "Opportunity product" detail object: Normal detail




The functionality of the product catalogue is achieved through development skills for a new object created from scratch by setting the Parent object as 'BaseProductEntry' and with other schema changes, it works.

Required scenario:

How to make OOTB Opportunity Product (OpportunityProductInterest) work like a product catalogue?

  • Is it possible to change the parent object of this OpportunityProductInterest?
  • Won't it affect the other system-related (related tables, schemas as may be used in other places)?
  • Also, this is available in the opportunity package of the Creatio package?



Is it possible to make the (OpportunityProductInterest) work like a product catalogue with custom development? If yes, what are the steps and how?


Bhoobalan Palanivelu.

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In a similar way than with inactive cases, in the lists, it would be great to be able to hide "inactive" opportunities and leads.

Such as closed lost and closed won opportunities for example. This would improve the sales user experience of choosing to see all opps or only active opps and leads  to work on in the list view, rather than having to constantly having to go though ongoing and closed opportunities/leads.





Hello Damien,


Thank you so much for your idea. We've registered it in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases.

Thank you for helping us to improve our product.

Best regards,


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Can someone help please?

When adding products to an opportunity using the mobile app I expect the amount to update QTY*Price as it does on the web. 

But this doesn't happen?

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Hello Nicola,


There are not such functionality on mobile app but is possible to achieve using mobile sdk . This requires development skills.


Under the following link You may find more information about mobile sdk:


First of all You have to overwrite mobile application manifest to extend scope of synchronized product fields and add new page extension



	"SyncOptions": {
		"ModelDataImportConfig": [
				"Name": "Product",
				"SyncColumns": ["Price"]
	"Models": {
			"OpportunityProductInterest": {
			"RequiredModels": [
			"ModelExtensions": [],
			"PagesExtensions": [

Next You have to add business rule with calculation Qty*Price triggered when Qty or Product is populated inside new created module



Unfortunately i don't have any similar example to share but You can analyse this module MobileOpportunityProductInterestModelConfig from Opportunity package


Best regards,


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