I need to know how to add a dropdown with the channels in the notes tab just like the one in the feeds session. Thanks.

File attachments
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There is no easy way to do that. Please investigate how the feed functionality works and create the same functionality for notes from scratch.

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I am developing a custom search block in 'Contact Section'.  In a Contact section, I have one child entity that contains 2-3 MRN number for one contact. So I want to add a custom search field with MRN number. If I search with any MRN number of contact then it should filter contacts. So, can you please provide me with any article or example so I can proceed.




Above is my screenshot for child entity and contact list. I want a filter for contact with above mentioned MRN number.


Please guide.

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Dear Riddhi,

Unfortunately, the screenshots you have attached are not displaying correctly. Though, please take a look at the following article. There is an example of quick filter implementation. As I have understood from your explanation, such filter can cover your business task:


If you will have any question, or this approach does not suit you, please let us know why and we will be happy to advise.



Anastasia Botezat,


Above article is providing me fixed filter over list section. But I want my custom dropdown with custom values to fill in it. I will bind those values from a dynamic database. I don't want a predefined filter to fix on search section.


I want to add my own filters to FilterContainer.

Riddhi Jadeja,

In this case you need to create a functionality from scratch to proceed the values you receive from third-party. 

Unfortunately, we do not have a ready code snippet, though, the approximate algorithm can be the following:

1. You add a dropdown to the section replacing schema. This can be just regular dropdown created by the means of JavaScript and added to the GripUtilitiesContainer for example. The other option is to take Owner filter from the article and pass values to the filter. In this case inspect the filter realization to create your own.

2. Receive values for the dropdown. This can be done when section initializes, so launch and API call, or web service call ( which one you use for integration) and store values to the virtual column e.g., or in any other comfortable way (new array, object e.t.c.) 

MyField: {
   dataValueType: Terrasoft.DataValueType.COLLECTION,
   type: Terrasoft.ViewModelColumnType.VIRTUAL_COLUMN

3. On dropdown value picked pass a filter to the fixedFilterConfig.

Hope you will find it helpful!


Anastasia Botezat,

Thank you.

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I have a child section(with two fields) in a Contact Section. In that section,  I want to add customize search filter with a child entity column. So I got help from the support team like below:

  • Secondly, into method getFilters() you should write the next script(example for OEMGroup):

var oemGroup = this.get("VistOEMGroup");

if (!oemGroup) {


} else {


Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL,"VistOEMGroup", oemGroup.value));



But I don't know that getFilters() method already exists or do I need to add this to 'methods'.

Please help.

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Please override the getFilters() method in the "methods" property. Please find more information about methods on academy by the link below: https://academy.bpmonline.com/documents/technic-sdk/7-13/methods-methods-property

Alina Kazmirchuk,

Thanks Alina.

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In my Account Section, I have one custom field i.e. Dealer Number. Now, in a Case section, I want to add Account as Lookup field but, in this lookup column, I want the display value as Dealer Number, not the Account Name. Can anyone help me with this?

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Hello community!

Is it possible to have 2 display values for the same object. Lets say I have a country lookup with the phone code as another column. 

Can I have this lookup as a 'Phone code' field on the contact record displaying the list of phone codes??

M Shrikanth,

Unfortunately, it's not possible to have two displayed values for one object.

The thing is that the one object can only have one displayed value,  but your idea sounds good so we'll take it into consideration with our R&D Team.

Thank you for choosing Creatio!

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Is there an object that can be used to trigger start a process when a new attachment is added on the attachments tab of a record?

For certain sections, it would be nice to receive an email notification when a new attachment is added.

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Dear Mitch,

You can use "SectionName attachment" objects to trigger such process, for example "Contact attachment" object. 

Best regards,


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When I install application from file, occurs an error:

insert or update on table "SysPackageDataLcz" violates foreign key constraint "FKfg1JPl35PDx2FCE8Oagxv7VAMIc"


Can you help me? Thank you

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Dear Carolina,

   The error was caused by a sql-query. In order to catch the query please deploy the application on-site and use Sql Server Profiler. Then please try to analyze the query and find out what went wrong.

   Most likely the error caused by missing cultures in the target application. Please check that the target application contains all cultures from the application where the package was developed. For further developing please, use the same product and version on the dev and target application.  


   For more detailed assistance, please contact technical support.

Besr regards,


What can I do? Is there any configuration - data (in advanced settings) to add?

I don't have access to folder of target application.

My local environment is on version 7.14.2 and target application is on version 7.14.1.


Thank you

How do I have all the cultures?

I compare two database and the data in SysCulture table is the same.

Dear Carolina,

Unfortunately, it's not possible to install a package on a different version. Please consider upgrading the target application to 7.14.2. 

Best regards,


Thanks for your reply.


The target application was upgraded to 7.14.2.

I continue with this error:

Terrasoft.Common.DbOperationException: Npgsql.PostgresException (0x80004005): 23503: insert or update on table "SysPackageDataLcz" violates foreign key constraint "FKfg1JPl35PDx2FCE8Oagxv7VAMIc"

Is there a problem if the local database is different than target database?

My local database is SQL Server and target database is PostgreSQL.


On target application I can't change the "Date and time format" and "Time zone" in my profile. May be related?

I have this error: Errors occurred while saving the profile. Please try to save again.


Best regards,


My problem is solved.

The database from target application was in PostgreSQL and now it is updated to SQL Server.

Then I did an install application from file and it's working fine.

After update, it's possible change "Date and time format" and "Time zone" in my profile. 


Thanks for help :)

Best regards

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I did 'Compile all items', then 'Download packages to file system' and I have this error:

Can you help me?

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Probably transferring to the development in the file system was implemented in the incorrect way. Please go through the article by the link below to make sure that all steps were accomplished correctly:


If it doesn't help, please post a video which will demonstrate all your actions on setting up the development mode in the file system step-by-step. 

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Is there some requirements for global search criteria? When I put part of a case number, there are no results. If I put the entire case number, the case is shown in the results. I've reviewed the system settings for global search but it does not appear I can make any adjustments that resolve this.


partial case #:

full case #:

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Dear Mitch,

To provide you with a solution, we need to investigate the issue. Please submit a case to support@bpmonline.com and we provide you with a solution in terms of the case.

Best regards,


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I have a detail referencing the Contacts section, that is an editable list detail:

Am I able to make the Contact lookup appear as a link on this view? That is, as link to the linked Contact record.


The list view preview shows the Contact as a link:

But not when I view the detail on the linked section??

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Dear Lauren,

You can try to transform the lookup field into hyperlink by referring to this article https://community.bpmonline.com/articles/how-make-url-string-field-clickable-hyperlink

Best regards,


Hi Dean,

The link needs to be the connected lookup record ... How would I reference this as a link?

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How can I send an email from a business process to a group of recipients who are in the same Organizational Unit?

For example, highlighted in the picture below I tried to make a process that sent an email to the contacts in the organizational role "Strategic Partner Support", however when the process ran, no email was sent. So instead I had to add individual contacts, but I am trying to avoid needing to update individual contacts in this process element as our employees come and go or change roles.

I also tried using a system setting, and added a organizational role to that system setting, but that did not send an email either. Can anyone advise on the best way to do this?


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Unfortunately, there is no opportunity to send an email to the organizational role via a business process element "Send email".

However the functionality can be implemented. An idea is to use a script task element in order to select all contact emails which are included in the role. They are selected from the database via EntitySchemaQuery. Then join all selected emails into a string using ";" as separator. After that use the newly built string of emails as an email for sending.

The basic business process "Send email to case group" works in the same way. Please feel free to use the business process as an example. I recommend you to copy the process, change conditions for launching according to your purpose and change an email template. Pay attention to the script task element "Prepare Recipient Emails".


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