Getting this error while calling the web service from Process . Has changed the maximum execution time also but  still getting. Any suggestions?

System.Net.WebException: The operation has timed out.
  at Terrasoft.Services.Runtime.ServiceClient.<GetResponseData>d__8.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
  at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
  at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
  at Terrasoft.Services.Runtime.ServiceClient.Execute(IServiceClientRequest request, TimeSpan timeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
  at Terrasoft.Services.WebServiceUserTaskImplementation.Execute(ProcessWebService userTask, ProcessExecutingContext context)
  at Terrasoft.Core.Process.ProcessFlowElement.CallInternalExecute(ProcessExecutingContext context)
  at Terrasoft.Core.Process.ProcessActivity.RunInCultureScope[T](Func`1 action)
  at Terrasoft.Core.Process.ProcessActivity.ExecuteElement(ProcessExecutingContext context)
  at Terrasoft.Core.Process.ProcessActivity.ExecuteItem(ProcessExecutingContext context)
  at Terrasoft.Core.Process.ProcessFlowElement.Execute(ProcessExecutingContext context)
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Vladimir Sokolov,




The error indicates that we couldn't receive a response due to the timeout from the host to which the request was sent. And it's not an issue with the application because, in that case, we would get something like "Thread was being aborted" (if it's a problem with the Web layer - compilation, restart, thread locks in the Entity layer) or a message about a lock (if it's a database issue) or some specific error. But a timeout exclusively indicates that within N (as you configured) seconds, the host to which we sent the request couldn't respond. Hence, the web service element timed out. Most likely, it's because the host to which we sent the request temporarily became unavailable.

Thank you!

Andrii Kurta,

Thankyou for your reply, But when i user postman it is working fine and also when manually click on the webservice "send request" it is working fine. Issue only arises in BP .


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Im trying to set the self registration for external users but the license is not distribution automatic can you help me to know how can I configure that?

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I believe this is set in the web.config SspUserRegistrationLicPackage key (unless that has changed at some point). 

If this is an on-site application modify web.config file in Terrasoft.WebApp folder:

<add key="SspUserRegistrationLicPackage" value ="License name here" />

If this is cloud application contact creatio support and they can add that.


Hi Ryan, thank you 

Ryan Farley,

Do you think, we'll get nocode capabilities at some point to change these webconfig settings ? 😏


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Does anyone know if Creatio works with LTI or how to use it?

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Best reply


Unfortunately, we don't have such functionality, but you can use our training, where all videos are recorded along with instructions on how to use the system:




Unfortunately, we don't have such functionality, but you can use our training, where all videos are recorded along with instructions on how to use the system:




Thank you

Licia Moura,


Unfortunately, we don't have such examples of realization, as well as we don't have such applications created by our partners in the marketplace.


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hi guys i have an error in ssms when i add user as a local then add a log in user then when i execute in iis its appear an error say's that user id error?? any help 

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Please contact our support team directly at and describe the issue in detail there so we could help you resolve this.

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Hey, everyone! 
I've been trying to mass update a property (Column) from a table in a Demo envoyrement. 

I've asked Gemini and gpt. Bolth returned me that there should be a "Quick Update" button, but it's nowhere to be found... 

Asked a coleague and he sent me this app ( still.. nothing. 
I don't want to create a Business Process to do it ...

Does anyone have a solution for this?

Thanks ! 

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Please note that there is no basic functionality to mass update the records in the system. The "Mass updating for Creatio" marketplace addon or a business process are the best choices to achieve your goal. Alternatively, you can create an SQL script to update the values directly in the database. 

If you are having issues with the addon, you can contact the developer of the solution directly at and describe the issue to them.

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Any ideas why the code below is not working? I get an 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.' here /0/DataService/json/SyncReply/SelectQuery 

I checked that the getUsersInRole function that I wrote is working. It returns an array of Contact Ids.

Thanks in advance,

    request: 'crt.LoadDataRequest',
    handler: async (request, next) => {
        if (request.dataSourceName === 'PageParameters_UsrLookupParameter1_13p73tg_List_DS') {
            var roleId = request.$context.attributes.PageParameters_UsrLookupParameter1_atde2dj?.value;
            var users = await UsrC2CUtilitiesV2.getUsersInRole(roleId);
            const usersFilter = new sdk.FilterGroup();
            await usersFilter.addSchemaColumnInFilterWithParameters(sdk.ComparisonType.Equal, "Id", users);                            
                type: "filter",
                value: usersFilter
        return await next?.handle(request);

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Just on code alone, it is hard to tell what is the reason for the issue.
You need to do a debug and see at what moment the system cannot read the value.

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I want to color rows in a list page whose date has passed (Freedom UI).

I tried to add a css file to my list page. I followed this article, but I still have a problem. When I look at the page's inspect, I see that a line has been added with a link to the file I added (
I would appreciate help.

Thanks, Smadar

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Can you give more specifics? Is the CSS not being applied to the page?

As long as the steps in the article are followed it does load the CSS on the page. The CSS itself would determine whether or not it actually applies to any elements.

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I have encountered an unusual problem.

Task: On the main page, create a button that opens a custom module with a detail. There are entries in the details and a help field that takes the user to the "Case" page.

I created a custom module, extend from "Terrasoft.BaseSchemaModule" and "schemaName" and "entitySchemaName" to my schema and entity.

There are no problems with the display, but when I go from my module to the "Case" page and want to return:

1. The "Close" button is triggered only the second time

2. It returns me to the main page and not to my module.

I tried to open my custom module through the "sandbox.LoadModule" - the "Close" button started working immediately, but I still returned to the main page



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Hello Dmitrii,

It's not so apparent from the description where the problem exactly is. Could you please share two parts of the code:

1) the custom module;

2) how did you add the button on the page

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On a form or a list, I would like to display a link to a document stored in the system (the user selects the document manually). The name of the document would appear on the screen and if you click on it, the document will open. I couldn't find a "document link" field type. How can I implement this in Creatio?


Best regards,


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Create the attachment detail (within the section you want to display document links) as a new section. Then create a new string field and a business process which updates this field each time an attachment is created. Like below:


"…"+[#Read PI Attachment.First item of resulting collection.Id#]


The first part is constant for each record with the ID appended on each record created.


This will then create the link you need to automatically open the document within the section list.


The ID (highlighted in yellow) relates to the specific UId of the object (which you can locate within advanced settings). The ID highlighted in Green is the unique attachment ID which is appended during BP update.


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I try to find out which processes in productuction environment has checkes tracing enabled.

I found IsTracing record in sysSchemaProperty but it has value False but in GUI checkbox is set.

is there any easy way to find tracing processes


Tomek Branicki

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You can filter the Trace enabled processes you need in the Process Library. Example below:

Best regards,




Tkanks Malika

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