
I am working on uploading a large amount of xlsx files into my system using Creatio's Data Import wizard. I am currently uploading them one at a time but I'm wondering if there would be any negative effect to uploading more than one file at a time. 

The wizard is creating Contact records and there isn't any overlap between the different xlsx files so I was wondering if I could run two imports at the same time. 

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Dear Kevin, 

It is highly not recommended to do more than one import at once. It may vastly slow down the system to the point that the system may even become inaccessible. 

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I would like to know how I can export and import the data I created in the Organization roles and fuctional roles. Thanks!

File attachments
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Dear Marcelo, 

Unfortunately, there is no possibility to export or import data created in the Organization and Functional roles. We recommend setting the roles manually. 

Best regards, 


Thanks for the feedback. To migrate from one environment to another (Example DEV to PROD), has to be done manually? Thanks

Dear Marcelo, 

Yes, the best practice is to do it manually. 

Kind regards, 


Thanks Olga!

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As far as I've been able to determine with my testing, importing City information into a record will simply take the first record in the database by that name, regardless of whether it matches Country and State/Province information also present in the record, and if none are found, will create a City record with blank Country and State/Province fields.

Before I go and duplicate the lengthy business process I wrote to handle these imports more elegantly for every object one might import address information into, I just wanted to confirm:

Is this the expected behaviour, and is there no way in the system to have imports take country and region into account when matching cities, or am I missing something?

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Dear Darian,

Can you please specify what mapping are you using for such import? 

I've imported a lot of Country, State, Cities through Excel successfully.

Angela Reyes,

I'm mapping directly to City, State/province, and Country.  As I said, the imports do function, but the City field doesn't appear to take into account the contents of the other two when matching, which can lead to some rather nonsensical records.  I just wanted to confirm whether or not there's a workaround to that aside from a separate business process for each object type.

Darian Lewis,

If importing directly to "City" object - records will be created successfully if they meet duplicates search while import rules conditions. Correspondent records will be created in state/province and country lookups (but my tests showed that "Country" field value doesn't populate in "State/province" lookup when importing data into "Cities" lookup). Generally you should see new records and new records will be created in related objects. The only data that is not filled in as I said is "Country" field value in "State/province" lookup. I will report this problem to our R&D team so they could modify import process logic so it could also import this field value when importing to cities.

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I am trying to import the relationships via an excel file and have followed all the steps in making the file ready and matching the required data types etc.

The file is getting imported and I get a notification that my file has been imported but I can not see the relationships popping up under those accounts and contacts.

Could someone help me debug this or let me know if I am doing something wrong.

Thanks in advance



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I get this notification: Import complete. 1 of 1 records imported from the source file "AK_Relationships.xlsx".


The Relationship table has following columns: http://prntscr.com/mkwsvu

In order to import relations you need to populate the RelationTypeId, ReverseRelationTypeId, Active, AccountAId(ContactAId) and AccountBId(ContactBId) columns. Please note, that you need to fill in the columns with the precise names in order for these relations to be connected to the existing records. Else, the duplicates might be created.

Best regards,


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I am trynna use Data Import Wizard just to check the import mapping of my fields with the BPMOnline fields for the contacts table but all I get is this as in the image below. Not sure why teh fields are not showing up.


Any suggestions?


Or if I ma doing the process wrong, please let me know.


Thanks in advance.

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Best reply

Got it sorted by removing the columns from the Excel that would not match with the Columns in tables within Bpm Online and it worked fine.

Not sure how that worked out but was able to upload the contacts.

Angela Reyes writes:


Please submit a case to support@bpmonline.com. We will be glad to help you!

Best regards,


Not sure what's the point of having a "community" is then if you're gonna give solutions via emails.


But will do that.

Got it sorted by removing the columns from the Excel that would not match with the Columns in tables within Bpm Online and it worked fine.

Not sure how that worked out but was able to upload the contacts.

Angela Reyes writes:

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Due to the shared data structure between Projects and Project Tasks I am having some issues with the import process. I am just testing currently and importing around 30 tasks, with the full import to import several thousand.

During testing I found I needed a change in a mapped field and therefore my typical situation is to delete the previous import, make the adjustment and re-import.

However, I cannot find a way to list all of the project tasks to allow me to bulk delete. My concern is that if I encounter an issue when doing the full import I cannot roll back easily.

thanks in advance for any help.


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Dear Mark,

All imported records are marked with the import tag, thus you may create a process which will find all imported records and delete them with Delete element. 

Best regards,


Hi Angela

Thanks for your reply. I have been working through the various sections; Accounts, Opps, Contacts etc. performing data import testing, before we do our full CRM migration. As part of this process, sometimes I find issues with the import and will use the import tag to select the imported records, delete them and re-import once resolved data issue.

However, with Project Tasks I cannot find a clean listing display. It is OK if a project task is not associated with a Project, as that will be listed in the default Project list. Where a project task is associated with a project, it is therefore displayed within a Project in the Task detail tab.

I cannot find anywhere to list all project tasks by import tag to allow such a deletion. Does such a place exist?



Mark Roberts,

Project task is a record that can be found in project section. Basically, project ask is an entity of project. 

Best regards,



Thanks for your reply Angela. However, I still cannot see a way to list JUST the project tasks.

When I go to Projects, it is just projects displayed and not a list of project tasks. My issue is that when importing complex data, I need a way to undo that import if I find an issue with it and for all other areas I can simply use the tag to select the import data and delete all the records.

If you are able to provide a step by step way to list all project tasks, that would be great!


Mark Roberts,

You may create lookup based on object "Item of project task resources" to see them separately. 

Best regards,


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I am looking to import data into the Opportunities, which has an issue. I have a Section Detail which I am using to store a list of team members. I wish to import the opportunity data and populate this Team Member section with data. I pretty much on the current import data set only have 1 contact value to import.

I do not see how I can map the data from the Excel file to allow a data entry to import a single (or indeed multiple) value into a Section Detail. 

Is this possible and if so, how can I do this?

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Dear Mark,

As for now there is no such functionality, but I'll inform our R&D team about this issue and suggest them to implement it. Thank you for helping us to make our application better.

Best regards,


As a workaround you can import opportunities you wanted and then import team members into created opportunities. 

Best regards,


Hi Angela,

Since I posted, I have found that the process is to import the root data, in this example Opportunities and then do a separate import into the sub section detail. For this, it is necessary to know the name as it exists in the database, as this can be confusing to identify.

Click on the 3 dots by the section details title and choose Details to identify the database naming.

Mark Roberts,

You may also use "Data Import" button in the detail: 


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Hi community, good morning.

I am looking for a way to bulk upload files and attach them to specific Products. I know we are not supposed to do so using the out-of-box data import.

Is there any option for it?

What would be the best practices?


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Dear Danilo,

As for now there is no such functionality, but I'll inform our R&D team about this issue and suggest them to implement it. As a workaround you can use OData to import attachments: https://community.bpmonline.com/questions/how-upload-attachments-odata

Angela Reyes,

Thanks, Angela. We will appreciate if we could have such functionality.


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I've seen the example "Import data from third-party database" (see https://academy.bpmonline.com/documents/technic-bpms/7-12/call-web-service-process-element#XREF_22633_Fig_50_Selecting)

I'm not able to find the way to configure the business process blocks "Login to bpm'online" and "Insert contacts to bpm'online").

All the examples I found about consuming BPM'online web services concern custom applications: how can I call BPM'online web services from a business process to import/update data?

If I need to import data from third-party web services inside a business process, the only solution is to call BPM'online web services?


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this is the business process I'm talking about:

Dear Massimiliano,

Could you please describe the business task you are implementing in details, so we could provide with the solution?

Let us know the step-by-step data transition, so we will be on the same page.

Thank you in advance,


Thank you Anastasia.

In the first step we call an external web service that responds with a JSON structure containing an array of data (accounts) that we must import into BPM'online.

In the second step we must insert into BPM'online accounts all the data read from the external web service (possibly checking if each account to be imported is not present in BPM'online).

Thank's in advance



Dear Massimiliano,

Thank you for clarifying the task.

According to the provided information and answering your question "Is the only solution is to call BPM'online web services?":

You can fill the business process parameter with the collection type by the data that taken from the external API and afterward, use this collection in the business process ScriptTask element to iterate. Here you can find the information about how you can do it:


And for each element, you can call the Select (https://academy.bpmonline.com/documents/technic-sdk/7-8/use-entityschemaquery-creation-queries-database) method to check if the record already exists, and Insert ( https://academy.bpmonline.com/documents/technic-sdk/7-8/composing-add-d… ) method to create a new one.



Massimiliano Mazzacurati,

Hi Massimiliano,


My name is Raz Rosman and I'm also trying to get data from a third party application into creatio.


Could you please share with me how did you configured the web service process element to do so?


Thank you very much

Best Regards,


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Hi Community,

I have 3 questions concerning to Data Import:

1 - Is there a file (Excel) size limit when importing Accounts (for instance) or any other object data?

2 - If there is a size limit, how are we able to increase it if needed?

3 - Does this limit apply to imported attachment in object such as Leads and Opportunities?


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Dear Danilo,

File limit depends on amount of lines in the file. According to the stated requirements, the maximum number of imported lines in the file should not exceed 50,000. 

This is the amount at which the file is imported without any issues. As a workaround you can import file in parts or you can implement your own import using the web service Data Service or using OData.

As to your third question, please specify what exactly do you mean? Which attachments are you referring to? 

Angela Zigler,

Hi Angela, thanks for your answer. 

Concerning to third question, I am refering to the Notes & Attachments tab in Account/Contact/Lead/Opportunity. Do this have a limit?



It is impossible to import data in attachments and notes using Import from Excel functionality. Import to Attachments cannot be performed because files cannot be imported via Excel and data cannot be imported to Notes since this is a system column.

Angela, Thanks for your message.

I was referring to the actual attached file. No need to covert into data. Does it have a size limitation?


Danilo, indeed there is size limitation for attached files. It is set to 10 MB as a default value but it can be adjusted in [Attachment max size] system settings. There is no MAX value so it is limited by amount of free space in your database. 

Angela Reyes,

THanks, Angela. That helped me a lot...

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