Problem Statement

A webpage created externally and linked to the Lead object of Creatio CRM to capture the response submitted in the webform and mapped it to the corresponding object (say, Lead) to create a record that involves writing code from creating a web form and integrating it to Creatio Lead object which is a time-consuming process.


Microsoft Forms connector was created which enables the organization sales team to capture the lead in a seamless mechanism and nurture to achieve a sale which also enhances the sales growth of an organization. Microsoft Forms connector utilize Microsoft Forms to create a customize lead capture form in minutes and consume Power Automate to automatically capture the form response submitted by the user which is then inserted as a record in an object of Creatio CRM site.

This article provides the guidelines about implementing the Microsoft Forms Connector.

Setup Guide for Connector

Visit the Marketplace for the Setup instruction <Marketplace Microsoft-forms-connector-creatio>.

Microsoft Forms Connector – Creatio

Pre-requisite: Kindly register with Microsoft with a valid account (Setup a valid Microsoft Account) to create a Microsoft Forms and Microsoft cloud automated flow.

After the successful Microsoft account creation, Open the Power Automate of Microsoft ( and select the solutions menu listed in the left panel of the window. Kindly proceed to click on the Import option at the top and select browse to choose the Zip package provided by AgilizTech. Click on the Next button and you will see an import button. Kindly click on import to install the custom created Microsoft Forms connector into your Microsoft environment.

Figure 1:

After the successful implementation, you will see a new solution named Creatio Solution added to the list as depicted in Figure 2 below.

Figure 2:


Setup for Microsoft Automated Cloud flow procedure

Create a Microsoft Form with the Microsoft that was created earlier. A Microsoft form can be created based on the custom business need with any of the below fields.

  1. Text (Paragraph)
  2. Text (Line)
  3. Date/Time
  4. Number
  5. Email
  6. Drop-down List

Share the Microsoft Form URL (Shorten the URL if needed) after finding the target audience and it can be shared Via e-mail and social networks also.

Figure 3:


Setup of the Landing page in Creatio CRM site

Now, create a Landing page in Creatio CRM Site which acts as a medium to allow the Microsoft Forms response to insert as a record into the Lead object.

Go to Landing Pages and Web Forms section in Creatio (available in Marketing & Service workspace) and click on New, then select Lead registration form from the drop-down. Provide the Name*

for the new landing page and set the Website domains* as since the request is sent from Microsoft flow to Creatio CRM (in consideration of authentication).

Figure 4:


Setup of Automated Cloud flow to capture a Lead into Creatio

We will create a Microsoft flow like Business Process in Creatio with its own features. Open the Power Automate and select My flows from the available menu in the left panel. Click on New flow and select Automated cloud flow from the dropdown. Set a name for your flow and set choose your flow’s trigger value* as when a new response is submitted. This helps to trigger the Microsoft flow when a Microsoft Form is submitted.

1.Select the formId value as the form name that got created (all the forms will be displayed in the displayed in dropdown select the required form name).

2.Click on Next Step to create a new step as adding a new element in Creatio BP. Select Microsoft Forms and select Actions, then choose Get Response details, then set Response Id field value as Response Id which is used to collect the values from the submitted form.

3.Click on the next step, select the custom tab in the newly added step and select Creatio connector.

Figure 5:

Set the instance name and formid values. Both these values are obtained from the Creatio CRM site.

*Instance_name – You Creatio CRM Site (yourdomain –

Formid – Your Landing page record id. (It is found inside the landing page record created in Figure 4). Now, bind the form response to the Fields of the Creatio Object and click on save.

Figure 6:

NOTE: The Creatio object field name should be provided in formFieldsData name and dynamic response is given to corresponding formFieldsData value to map the field values of Microsoft forms to the field of Creatio object.

After the successful setup, when your Microsoft Form is submitted, the automated flow gets triggered which has Creatio connector (holds Target site name & Landing Page) is executed and a record is inserted into Lead object.

Figure 7:

Figure 8:


Privilege of Microsoft Forms Connector

This Microsoft Forms connector helps in reducing the amount of time required to develop the code to build the webpage and minimize the amount of time required to integrate the webform response to the Creatio CRM site Lead object. This Connector acts as a single stop solution to create a lead with less investment of time, results in capturing more lead and enhance sales.

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Hello community,


I am new to Creatio and I am wondering how to implement proper lead scoring for new projects.


From my past projects I am used to create a common lead scoring, meaning assigning points to serveral activities like website visits, email clicks, downloads ect.. Thanks to machine learning we now have features like predicitive scoring, which comes out of the box in Creatio.


As far as I understand existing data and time is needed in order to train machine learning models, so I am wondering if some of the members of this community already have experience with building a new system from scratch with no historic data. Did you start by implementing your own classic scoring, or did you start with predictive scoring from the start? Happy to hear from your experiences :)

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Best reply

We had tried it for a demo though.. it is mostly a formula to derive the score based on no. of activities & their weightage on the probability to buy.. ex., frequently visiting product page in website has a weightage, attending events / webinar has a weightage, number of meetings/calls has a weightage.. scoring them based on a scale from 1 to 10 was tried out..

Hello Jasmin,


To be able to successfully activate predictive lead scoring you need to add enough quantity of records in the "Leads" section that had "Satisfied" or "Handoff to sales" status and after the model is trained - lead scoring appears on the page.

Please refer to this Academy article so to make those models functioning properly for your site. 


Best regards,


Hello Bogdan,


thanks for your quick reply. I am familiar with the feature of predictive Scoring, but I am looking for best practices for "classic" customized lead scoring. I am sure that predictive scoring can be a great feature, but for clients starting fresh with lead generation and lead scoring a classic model is more suitable there is no historic data.


Maybe someone in the community has experience on how to build a scoring system in creatio.


Best regards,


We had tried it for a demo though.. it is mostly a formula to derive the score based on no. of activities & their weightage on the probability to buy.. ex., frequently visiting product page in website has a weightage, attending events / webinar has a weightage, number of meetings/calls has a weightage.. scoring them based on a scale from 1 to 10 was tried out..

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Hello all,


I am trying to create a landing page to generate leads in my Creatio instance. However, despite matching the documentation and copying the code into my html from the landing page record, the page is not generating Creatio leads.



    Keen360 Submit Page


          integrity="sha384-ggOyR0iXCbMQv3Xipma34MD+dH/1fQ784/j6cY/iJTQUOhcWr7x9JvoRxT2MZw1T" crossorigin="anonymous">



            Contact Us




            Full name:






            Phone number:







    * Replace the "css-selector" placeholders in the code below with the element selectors on your landing page.

    * You can use #id or any other CSS selector that will define the input field explicitly.

    * Example: "Email": "#MyEmailField".

    * If you don't have a field from the list below placed on your landing, leave the placeholder or remove the line.


    var config = {

        fields: {

            "Name": "#fname", // Name of a visitor, submitting the page

            "Email": "#email",

            "MobilePhone": "#phone",// Visitor's email

            "Company": "#cname" // Name of a company (for business landing pages)


        landingId: "b95e7199-72e8-421d-8cac-dbd9ae45859f",

        serviceUrl: "…",

        redirectUrl: ""



    * The function below creates a object from the submitted data.

    * Bind this function call to the "onSubmit" event of the form or any other elements events.

    * Example:


    function createObject() {




    * The function below inits landing page using URL parameters.


    function initLanding() {



    function onSubmit() {


        console.log("onSubmit function was called");











File attachments
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It could be that you have required fields on the Lead object (by default "Customer need" is required. If you're not populating any required fields from the landing page, you'll need to add them as default values on the landing page record in Creatio. The Default Values tab will allow you to specify a default value for leads created from the landing page for Customer need, and another other possible required fields.


Ryan Farley,

I have set up default values for any fields such as Customer need that are required by Creatio and prompts an error message if not filled in. If there are any that are required for landing pages to work but not required to actually save the Lead page then I may be missing those but I don't know if they exist.

Dear Kevin, Looks like the issue is as below.. as per the referer URL the site URL seems to be sending the below.. so try changing your landing page URL to* and see if it works.. 

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Where we qualify a Lead and the account allready exists, the contact of the lead is not linked to the account.

How could i correct this ?

Thank you



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Dear Nikolas,


Your question is a bit unclear. If you are asking if it is possible to create the opportunity if the account has no linked contact - by default it is enough the have the account linked to the lead to qualify it and create the opportunity automatically. The contact can be different. The created opportunity will have the selected account (in the left side bar of the opportunity page)  and the selected contact as well. The contact will appear on the Contacts detail of Opportunity Details tab




Hello Doyen


I deleted my question, the problem was that if an account with the same name allready exists in the database, the contact is not linked to the account when we qualify the Lead.

i told to my users to use the lead account panel to select the account if it allready exists and to create the account if it is a new account.


Thank you for your answer


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Hi Community,

I am trying to create a new lead and qualifying it, to create a new contact & account but when i am trying to create another lead with the same account name and contact name, later qualifying it.  Duplicate contact and account is getting created via the OOB lead management and lead qualification process, is it possible to link it to the existing account and contact.



1.We create a new lead providing all the mandatory field data and later qualify the lead.

2. A new account and contact gets created and it is linked to the lead.

3. Create another lead with the same account name and contact name.

4. Qualify this lead also.

5. OOB process lead management and lead qualification process starts

6. It creates a new account and contact


Question : is it possible to link the lead to the existing account and contact instead of creating a duplicate account and contact.

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Dear Amritha,


You can modify the OOB business process and add a search for an existing contact - the process is called Lead qualification. Feel free to modify it according to your business tasks! Make sure to update the Lead management process system setting after a new version of the process is created. 


Best regards,


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Hi All,

We are unable find the leads in leads section, unable to edit lead section wizard. getting below console error.

Please help me on this.


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Dear Nageswara,

Try to perform the following actions in the application advanced settings:

1. Update the database structure

2. Generate source code for all items

3. Compile all items.

Unfortunately, it may not be possible to find the root cause of the error without having the access to your environment. If the issue still persists after all three steps, I suggest you to contact our support team via to investigate the problem on your website.

Best regards,



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It used to be when I select a Contact on the Lead page, the Contacts Account is automatically set as the Account of the Lead.

This function has been removed. What happened to it?

Best regards,

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Dear Julius,

Thank you for reporting this issue. Our R&D team has fixed and this feature will be available again starting from 7.15.2 version.

Best regards,


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Hi Community,

Is it possible to put suggestions in a text field. Lets say when creating new lead in lead mini page, when entering account name, it will show suggestions of accounts from account object to avoid creating duplicate account in lead. 

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Dear Fulgen,

You can remove the default account field and replace with new account lookup field based on the object, so that you will have the list of the accounts to choose

Best regards,


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Hi Community,

Any idea how can i disable all tasks and notification created during lead stages?


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Dear Fulgen,

There are a couple of processes that can create the reminders and notifications. They are: 'Lead qualification 7.8.0', 'Lead distribution 7.8.0', 'Handoff to sales 7.8.0' and 'Awaiting sale' 

All these processes are sub-processes of the parent process 'Lead management 7.8.0'

There are 2 options. You can either deactivate the parent process that runs all the sub-processes or edit all sub-processes so that the would not create any activities and reminders.

Best regards,



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Hi Community,

Any idea which process is behind the giving of lead name. I want to modify it and give our own naming convention.


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Hi Fulgen,

Create a replacing object with Lead as Parent object..

Please open the replacing object in the object designer. When you click on any events of the object, you will be navigated to the object's event designer. There you can find a method named "UpdateLeadName" which can be referred in the attached screenshot.

When you double click the method, you can find the script task where you can alter the existing naming convention for Lead name.




The way of implementation mentioned above is absolutely proper. Please pay attention that the Override checkbox must be checked in order for the new implementation will be applied.

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