I have been struggling very much with handling collection type response parameters in web services.

When response parameters are or normal type they are very easy to handle in the business processes. Here we are able to handle them as parameters on the Call web service process element. And use these in the process right away.

When there is a Collection which is returned, this is very different. Now the Call web service element parameter is of type Collection of Objects with attributes.

It seems to me that this parameter-type is very difficult to handle in the business process. I can't seem to find documentation in the Academy about how to extract and loop through the contents of the Collection of Objects with attributes.

What I have found in the academy is this article about setting up the Web service.


What I need to learn is how to handle them in bpm'online business processes.

Is there something about this in the Academy?

Is writing source code the only option? It's difficult to debug.

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Dear Julius,

Unfortunately, it is impossible to handle parameters that have the “collection of object” type without using the source code.

Therefore, in this case we recommend using “ScriptTask” element for both calling the web-service and processing the results of call.

For more detailed assistance, please contact technical support.

Best regards,


Norton Lingard, Thank you. Is there anything like this in the academy? Because there is a special bpm'online syntax to go by in the source-code.

Dear Julius,

The service call in a "Script task” business process element can be implemented via native C#. Please find a lot of examples on how to do that in Google. For example, several links below:



Please note that it is possible to use the native C# collections instead of working with the the special bpmonline collections.

Best regards,


Hi Julius,


Did you manage to solve this?


I'm struggling with the same issue and didn't manage to get it to work.


Looking forward to having Your answer.



Norton Lingard,

Hi Norton,


Is there another example on how to do it in the script task?


I tried implementing it based on the links you posted and I'm getting many error messages when posting the code.




Dear Raz,


Please find another example in the article by the link below:




If you still can’t resolve the issue please provide us with a source code that you wrote and errors that you got.


Best regards,


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We have a use-case where we have to support parallel development and UAT activities on BPM'Online. Ideally, we'd like to achieve it through a branching strategy on SVN, where we have a "main" branch for development and a "UAT" branch which is forked out of "main". This "UAT" branch will run independently of "main" to cater to UAT fixes. Once UAT is done it will be merged back with "main". During the UAT phase, the "main" branch will continue to get updated with ongoing development activities. I wanted to check if this is feasible from a BPM'Online perspective. Can this branching strategy be seemlessly integrated into BPM'Online? If yes, could you point me to some documentation that has guidelines around this?

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Please feel free to find information about working with SVN on the bpm'online platform in the article by the link below:


Thank you for your reply Alina! My question was more around branching strategy to support parallel development initiatives, for example, to support in-proc development and release hot fixes at the same time. Also the possibility of switching branches on demand based on whether it is release related work or main development activity. Below is a fair representation of what I was having in mind. Also, is there a way to merge the release branch with the main development branch? Does BPM'Online support such a branching strategy?

Unfortunately, bpm'online doesn't support a branching strategy.

Thanks Alina! Is it part of the product roadmap? Can you suggest a workaround?

The only approach for working with SVN on the platform is described in the article mentioned earlier.

Alina Kazmirchuk,

Your article is just about configuration management, not SVN specific. The question is about branching strategy, not configuration management.

Van Ly,

As it was mentioned above, unfortunately, 

bpm'online doesn't support a branching strategy.

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Does BPM'Online automatically refresh the list of users from Azure AD when it is configured to use Azure AD as SSO? Or do we have to manually create/update/delete the users in BPM'Online as well in addition to maintaining them in Azure AD?

Thanks in advance for all the help...

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This can be done turning on JIT on the site. To do this you would need to send a letter to the support@bpmonline.com if your site is located in cloud as well as do some additional settings on your side. Please see the article below: 


Best regards, 


Dennis Hudson,

​​​​​​Thank you for your reply! I am working on an on-premise setup. Can JIT be configured on an on-premise installation along with Azure Active Directory as SSO provider? Thanks again for all the help...


Yes, it can be activated for on-site and cloud deployed applications. Please refer to this Academy article when setting SSO up 


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Thank you!

Oscar Dylan,

Dennis Hudson,

Is it possible to automatically sync the roles (organizational and functional) of the user in Azure Active Directory through JIT to BPM'Online? I was referring to the documentation mentioned here - 


At the end of this article, there is a point about user creation - 

"In this section, you create a user called Britta Simon in Bpm’online. Work with Bpm’online support team to add the users in the Bpm’online platform. Users must be created and activated before you use single sign-on."

It mentions that the users would have to be manually "created" and "activated" in BPM'Online for SSO to work. This contradicts JIT feature on BPM'Online. Could you please re-confirm if JIT is valid for Azure Active Directory(AAD) and that it is also possible to automatically synchronize the organizational and functional roles in AAD to BPM'Online through JIT?

Thanks in advance...


Dennis Hudson,

Oscar Dylan,

Hi! Any update on this? Your help here would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!





You can synchronize user's data from Active Directory to Creatio with a help of JIT function.

Each time a user logs on using SSO, the data on the contact page are updated with the data obtained from the identity provider. If a user has no account, it can be created when the user logs in for the first time.

If there is already a user with such username, the data will be simply updated based on the received information, if there is no user with such username, a new user will be created and provided with all the needed licenses based on it's user type (company employee/portal user). 

To specify contact fields that should be populated with data from the identity provider, configure the mapping of the SAML Assertion fields with Creatio columns. This is done in the SAML Assertion of the identity provider and in the [ SAML field name converters to contact field name ] lookup.

You can find more detailed information in the article below:


As for the roles, Creatio should have the same roles as Active Directory (and as user as well). This way, once the user logs on, all their roles are being updated based on the received information. However, if the user has roles that are not presented in Creatio, new roles will not be created (but can be updated during the next login, if you decide to add same new roles to Creatio).


Hope it clarifies!

Best regards,


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I'm using this.reloadEntity() to refresh page, but the problem is i have to double click a button to refresh a page. Any idea for this case?

             messageHandler: function(args) {

                this.set("UsrIsLead", "1");

                this.save({ isSilent: true });


            onOpenPrimaryContactClick: function() {




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Try to debug the functionality. I've just tried the JS code specified below and it worked every time.

define("ContactPageV2", [], function() {
	return {
		entitySchemaName: "Contact",
		details: /**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/{}/**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/,
		modules: /**SCHEMA_MODULES*/{}/**SCHEMA_MODULES*/,
		diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[]/**SCHEMA_DIFF*/,
		methods: {
			getActions: function() {
				var actionMenuItems = this.callParent(arguments);
					"Caption": "testBtn",
					"Tag": "testMethod",
					"Visible": true
				return actionMenuItems;
			testMethod: function(){
		rules: {}


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Hello Community!


In one of my environments I realized, that sometimes, when a notification is sent to a user the red bubble indicating new notifications on the Notification Bell won't turn on, even when, if opened, the notification will be there.


Anyone has any idea of what could be going on? Perhaps is the notification not well configured or something happened with the Communication Panel?



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Dear Ignacio,

There might be a couple of reasons to it, like localization bug that influences the notification counter. Try to check if in the English localization it works fine, unless you are already using it. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to resolve this problem within the community thread. Therefore, we suggest you to contact our support team via support@bpmonline.com to conduct the investigation in your particular environment.  

Best regards,


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Hello Community, how are you?


I'm working on a project where the users come from others CRM where the time format is 24 hours instead of 12 hours (AM PM), is there a system setting/configuration or workaround to change this?


Thanks for the help!


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Dear Ignacio,

To set the time format, please go to the user profile settings and select the corresponding time and date format http://prntscr.com/ozfxzm

For example, If you select United Kingdom - you will get 24 hrs format. If United States - you will get 12 (AM/PM) hrs format. 

Best regards,


Thanks a lot!


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I have created a custom section and I want to create a Communication options and Addresses details to that section. In accounts and contacts sections, there is Communication options and Addresses details are there. How to create the same details to the custom sections? I have followed the documents in academy to create a detail. But "Communication options and Addresses details" are different. Please guide me.

Thank you.

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Hi likhitha,


Add your custom section object as a lookup in Communication options and Addresses details and add these two details in your custom section




You need to create your custom object, call it "Custom communication options", after that you need to create a detail using this newly created custom object (with edit page academy.bpmonline.com/documents/technic-sdk/7-13/adding-edit-page-detail) and after that display this detail in your custom object. Same list of actions should be performed when creating custom "Addresses detail". Please also refer to base details when creating your custom details (look through detail schema and edit page and also how the object is configured).

Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

I want the "Custom communication options" looks like "Account communication"





Please give me more details to custom it.


Dear Toan Mai,


You can make Base communication option a parent of your custom object (like it is done in AccountCommunication object). After that you can add BaseCommunicationViewModel, BaseCommunicationDetail, and CommunicationUtils to the dependencies of the detail schema and change the methods in the way you need, you can see the example in AccountCommunicationDetail schema. 


Best regards, 


Dennis Hudson,

Thank you for replying,

After added BaseCommunicationDetail to dependencies, I got an error

I had added some communication fields into my object such as: Phone, Email, Fax...When I open an account, the "CommunicationTypes" has value.

Toàn Mai

Dear Toan Mai,


The issue occurs because CommunicationTypes is not set, which happens because of the filter 

						"Usefor" + detailColumnName + "s",

In the method, initCommunicationTypesFilters works incorrectly for your custom detail. It happens because it filters CommunicationType table by the column Usefor<DetailColumn>s. CommunicationType has only columns UseforContacts and UseforAccounts, neither of which is used in your case as your DetailColumn is different. To fix the issue please override initCommunicationTypesFilters method to remove this filter from the esq that sets CommunicationTypes attribute. 


Best regards, 


Dennis Hudson,

Thank you very much. Because the customize schema and fields must have prefix, the param for esq will be wrong.

Toan Mai,

 Can you please show the final implementation? Im trying to add the dependecy in the detail but is not working for me. Is going to the default page of the detail.

Soved after compiled. Looks the chages was not applied


Federico Buffa ?,


Could you please us an example of the code implementation. We don't understand how you did it 




Dr. Pasqualina Sorrentino,


Could you please elaborate on your business task?

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I am using "Sales Enterprise Demo Instance"

For the demo purpose, I am creating new sections, re-naming sections, and adding new details to the sections. But after doing any changes I was unable to save the sections. It is loading and loading as "Updating DB Structure".

Please help me to resolve this issue. 

Thank you.

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Dear Likhitha, 

The issue occurs because of errors when updating the db structure on the site. to find the error you can open System designer -> Advanced settings -> configuration. After that you can display column Last error message (http://prntscr.com/oyjkr8 -> http://prntscr.com/oyjl27) and update the db structure (http://prntscr.com/oyjlea). The error message will be shown in that column for the object that causes the issue. 

After the communication in terms of the support case we've found out that in your particular case the error occurred because for the object being set as the parent of itself that created infinite loop when updating db structure. We highly not recommend changing the parent object in configuration after the object is created as it may lead to various errors (like this one). 

Best regards, 


Thank you. This issue is resolved.

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It is possible to call function from page to the section? 

like include on php.

i'm already trying this, but doesn't work.

define("UsrNewLibrary1Page", ["UsrUsrBuku1Page"], function(UsrUsrBuku1Page) {

    return {

        entitySchemaName: "UsrNewLibrary",

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It will be easier to help you if you describe the task in general. Include from PHP works in bpm'online according to the require.js framework. Please find more information in the documentation by the link below.


If you need to call a section function from a page and vice versa, then it's better to use messages. 


Eugene Podkovka,

Thanks mate!

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Hello I'm getting this below error while logging into the instance

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You would need to check the file ConnectionStrings.config and check the authorization type. If windows authentication is used the parameter Integrated Security=SSPI should be specified and Identity=ApplicationPoolIdentity or domain user data should be in the the application pool (https://prnt.sc/mmoea5). You can also use SQL server connection parameters in connection strings file and all needed recommendations are specified in the Academy article provided below.

Also please make sure all required windows components are installed (mostly seems that one of Windows features is not turned on). 

Here is an Academy article regarding on-site installation: 


So the key point here is that you need to check connection parameters to your database server and windows components, because this issue can occur if:

1) There are incorrect connection parameters specified in connection.string file

2) Not all required windows features are enabled

Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Thanks Oscar,enabling http activation fixed the problem 

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