Hi community,

We need to change the CSS of the detail’s header, inline editable column input text color, and the other non-editable grid text color.

What client module we should replace, and what classes we should change?

Thank you very much!

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Best reply

Andrew Sheng,

I got the answer! All I had left to do was to fill the JS code with:

 define("BaseGridDetailV2", ["css!UsrDynasafeDetailV2CSS"], function() {
	return {
		methods: {},
		diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[ ]/**SCHEMA_DIFF*/


Hello Andrew,

It could be achieved by development, please find similar questions bt the links below:





Hi Bogdan, thank you for the solution links. But the screenshots in the reply are no longer visible. I followed the two steps in the reply, but had no luck. I put my screenshots below, can you correct them for me?

Step1, I created a module in our package Dynasafe1, kept JS empty

Step2, I put the CSS in the LESS

 Step3, I created a replacing view model under Dynasafe1 package

Then I chose "Base schema - Detail with list" as the parent object.

And finally saved this replacing view model with JS kept empty. Did I miss something here?


Thank you for your answer in advance!

Andrew Sheng,

I got the answer! All I had left to do was to fill the JS code with:

 define("BaseGridDetailV2", ["css!UsrDynasafeDetailV2CSS"], function() {
	return {
		methods: {},
		diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[ ]/**SCHEMA_DIFF*/


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Hi Everyone.


I have created a detail in my Order's sceen in Classic UI. I want to now enable Multi-select in that Detail. Similar to something like this:



Now, I am new to creatio. I just need to know where to put this code in the Source code? And Can I use this selection of multiple contacts to trigger a message to those that are selected only from that grid?

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To implement it, you will need at least basic developer skills. In this case, we advise you to contact the manager about this issue.

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Hi Guys,


Is it possible to add Details in Freedom UI?

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Please refer to this article for detailed information:


Best regards,



There is no information about having a detail in Freedom UI?

Hassan Tariq,

The Freedom UI component that is the equivalent to a Detail is the Expanded List.



I wonder, maybe there is step-by-step tutorial or video how to add new detail in Freedom UI?

I've tried several ways, none of them has given success to me

Kind regards,


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Can someone help me to know, how I add a detail in a page that I am editing in the application Hub? 

I been searching how to do it but I can't find it. 

Thanks you. 


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Please refer to this article for the detailed information. 

Best regards,


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Hello Everyone ,


I have tried to Create a custom Detail in my Custom Section but not able to bind it with "Id" of the Parent Object as in Classic ui When we Create Detail it Automatically fetch the Current Record if and we are able to see the list in detail for current record. Can anyone help how to do the same in Freedom UI


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Good day,

In the new interface, the details are configured similarly to the mechanism used in the old interface. It also includes automatic mapping to the ID of the current record, so there is no need to add it separately. For example, in the "Orders" detail added to the "Account" section by default, we can see that the detail displays records where Account.Id (of the current record) is equal to Order.AccountId.

Thank you for your question.

Best Regards,


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We are using an out-of-the-box detail created by Creatio with code "OpportunityTeam" in the Opportunity section and would like to remove a filter on it.   The Contact lookup on the detail object "Opportunity participant" is being filtered by the Account lookup on the Opportunity object.  This means that users can only add contacts to the "OpportunityTeam" detail which have the same account as the account listed on the opportunity.  We do not want this behaviour so are looking for how to remove it.


There are no business rules on the Opportunity section page or the detail causing this filter.  Does anyone know which schema or perhaps mixin is causing this filter?

Thank you for your help!

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I am trying to create a basic printable report that includes data from Section as well as the detail of that section


and I have created the template in Word,


and the report setup in creatio is as below,

But the output only has data from the main section but not from the detail,

Can you please help with this?

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Hi Community,


I would like to know how we can make a column mandatory in an attachment list (the detail here) as soon as we upload a file to the detail.



Thanks in advance!




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To make a column mandatory in FreedomUI, you can follow these steps:

  1. Identify the column you want to make mandatory in the detail view of your form.

  2. Open the code or configuration file associated with your FreedomUI implementation.

  3. Locate the section or code block related to the detail view of your form.

  4. Find the column you want to make mandatory within the code or configuration.

  5. Depending on the specific implementation of FreedomUI, you can typically add a validation rule or attribute to the column to make it mandatory.

  6. Add the necessary code or configuration to enforce the mandatory requirement for the column. This may involve setting a "required" flag, adding a validation rule, or specifying a validation message.

  7. Save your changes and test the form to ensure that the column is now mandatory in the detail view.

It's important to note that the exact steps may vary depending on the version and customization of FreedomUI you are using. Refer to the documentation or consult with the developers or support team of FreedomUI for specific guidance on making a column mandatory in the detail view.

More detail : https://360degreecloud.com/

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Hi all,

In Creatio 7, is there a way to nest a detail within a field group?


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Nevermind, I've found a solution by changing the parent name to the field group name.


				"operation": "insert",
				"name": "My Detail",
				"values": {
					"itemType": 2,
					"markerValue": "added-detail"
				"parentName": "My Field Group",
				"propertyName": "items",
				"index": 1


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Hello Community,

I have developed a logic that when number of records in a detail is greater than 3 the plus sign dissappears

However my problem is that I have to refresh the whole page in order for the plus sign to dissappear. I have tried

this.reloadEntity() or this.UpdateDetail() method but without success.

Any idea how to overcome this problem

Best regards



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Best reply

In the detail schema do the following:


1) Add attribute

attributes: {
	"IsAddVisible": {
		dataValueType: Terrasoft.DataValueType.BOOLEAN

2) Add attribute to visible property of add button, add the following to the diff of the detail schema: 

diff: [
		"operation": "merge",
		"name": "AddRecordButton",
		"values": {
			"visible": {"bindTo": "IsAddVisible"}

3) Add the following to methods: 

methods: {
	onGridDataLoaded: function() {
	subscribeGridEvents: function() {
	setAddVisible: function() {
		var items = this.getGridData().getItems();
		this.set("IsAddVisible", items.length < 3);

End result, the add button should only be visible when the detail has less than 3 items.


In the detail schema do the following:


1) Add attribute

attributes: {
	"IsAddVisible": {
		dataValueType: Terrasoft.DataValueType.BOOLEAN

2) Add attribute to visible property of add button, add the following to the diff of the detail schema: 

diff: [
		"operation": "merge",
		"name": "AddRecordButton",
		"values": {
			"visible": {"bindTo": "IsAddVisible"}

3) Add the following to methods: 

methods: {
	onGridDataLoaded: function() {
	subscribeGridEvents: function() {
	setAddVisible: function() {
		var items = this.getGridData().getItems();
		this.set("IsAddVisible", items.length < 3);

End result, the add button should only be visible when the detail has less than 3 items.


Thanks a lot Ryan. I was using ESQ before, but this is definitely faster and better.

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