When I include an URL for an attachment in an email sent by bpm'online, the URL is converted to  cid: and an attachment is added to the URL.  However, I just want the URL displayed as text or a link to the file.  I tried including a space after https:// so that it would be recognized as an URL, but the same thing happened.  I tried using %252F for the forward slashes, but it wasn't converted back to text.  How do I stop attachment URLs from being converted to attachments when used in email templates and/or Send email actions?

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Dear Janine, 

Bpm'online R&D team has prepared a feature which will be available in the next release 7.15.1 which would allow our users to send emails with a link to attachments without getting them converted to cid format. 

Once the 7.15.1 version is released, please contact bpm'online support team in order to get this feature enabled. 

Kind regards, 



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Hi Community,

In mobile application we can show/hide field using business rule but how we can configure that field will only show in edit page and it will be hidden in preview page.




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Hello Fulgen,

Unfortunately, field visibility can not be changed via sdk.

All other preview page parameters can be changed by means of:

Terrasoft.sdk.RecordPage.configureColumn("Account", "primaryColumnSet", "Name", {

customPreviewConfig: {



In your case you can try to create your CardViewGenerator:

1) Create new schema of "module" type with the name UsrMobileCardViewGenerator

2) Add this code inside:

Ext.define("Terrasoft.configuration.UsrMobileCardViewGenerator", {

extend: "Terrasoft.ViewGeneration.CardViewGenerator",

generateColumnItems: function(columnSetConfig) {

var columnItems = this.callParent(arguments);

if (this.getModelName() === "Account" && this.getMode() === Terrasoft.CardViewModes.Preview) {

var newItems = [];

for (var i = 0, ln = columnItems.length; i < ln; i++) {

var columnItem = columnItems[i];

if (columnItem.name !== "Name") {




return newItems;

} else 

return columnItems;




Terrasoft.DefaultCardViewGeneratorClassName = "Terrasoft.configuration.UsrMobileCardViewGenerator";

3) Then add this schema into Manifest of your section:

"Models": {

"Account": {

"PagesExtensions": [





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Hi Community,

In mobile application I am getting this error "Schema CaseFile is not found" when user of type "Portal User" is previweing the attachement in Case.

Any idea how can I configure this for user of type "Portal User"? By the way for user of type "Employee" attachment preview is working fine.


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Dear Fulgen,

As far as I understand you are using the marketplace application. We suggest you to approach the application developer directly via bpmonlinelabs@bpmonline.com for further consultations.


Best regards,


Dean Parrett,

Thanks for your reply Dean

I am not using using marketplace application, I am referring to the OOB attachments in Case (Please see screenshot below). Once you click on the attachment it will allow you to preview the attachment. This is working fine for users of type "Employee" but for users of type "Portal user" i'm getting this error "Schema CaseFile is not found" is there any configuration i need to set up? I already check CaseFie object, "Portal Users" has already access rights on it but I am still getting this error. 

Dear Fulgen,

The only suggestion we have is to debug the preview finctionality using mobile application emulator, analyze the functionality logic and implement it for portal users, since the out of the box version of the application doesn't allow portal users to use mobile app.Unfortauntely, we do not have any solution examples for this reason.

Best regards,


Dean Parrett,

Thanks Dean,

I tried to debug the preview functionality using mobile application. Both users of type 'Employee' and of type 'Portal users' has the same logic.  It is doing  select query in VwSysEntitySchemaInWorkspace object where filter is 'Name' is 'CaseFile'. This query is returning error "Schema CaseFile is not found" for users of type 'Portal Users'. Case File is already added in the List of objects available for portal users but still this error occurs. Is there any other configuration to where I need to add the 'CaseFile' schema  aside from List of objects available for portal users for this to work?

Dear Fulgen,

Since the portal users are not able to access the mobile app by default, we cannot debug the system and tell you exactly how the portal user should preview the files. Developing the mobile application for portal users purposes might be followed by multiple pitfalls. That is why this option is not available in out of the box version and we do not have any examples for the solution.

Best regards,


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How do I get the link to an attachment file using system actions? If I hover over the link to the file in the attachment detail of the record, I get something like https:///0/rest/FileService/GetFile/.  The GUID doesn't match the attachment record ID. How do I get the link or ID of the file from the attachment record to send the link to someone else?

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To achieve your target you need to create a link that is a sum of:



UID value from SysSchema table for the detail from which you try to get file from: OrderFile, InvoiceFile, AccountFile etc


ID value from the table which represents this detail.

For example I have a record in OrderFile table (order attachment) with an ID: 2AC7AA00-2E61-4AEC-8BD0-621269731DAA. To complete the link I execute:

SELECT UID FROM SysSchema WHERE Name = 'OrderFile'

and get a value of D75D815B-0B2E-4E33-973A-ED9A43601B44. So my link is:


Please note that user that doesn't have active session in https://<instance> won't be able to download the file.

Oscar Dylan,

How do I set the system actions to that I have a process like this:

Janine White,

It is impossible to do using the process on the screenshot. You need to add an auto-generated page where you can specify file name and schema name, after that this process should read this file and schema parameters (there should be several conditional flows for different schema names). Also you need to create a lookup with all schema names so to be able to choose from lookup in this auto-generated page from the first step. Then there should be "Read data" element that reads "Schema" object so to get UID of the schema specified on the auto-generated page that we've added previously. After that the formula element should create a link for the string parameter (using the logic I've described previously) that will be used in the final auto-generated page element where this string parameter value will be placed. Feel free to use our official documentation on business process design to achieve your business task.

Oscar Dylan,

I can read the file name from the attachment record, which is available in a parameter, and I know the attachment section, "bpm'online Environments attachments".  Why would I need to select anything manually?  I know how to set up business processes in general and use Read data elements as I've done that hundreds of times. I just don't understand how to identify the Schema and UID from the attachment record from the instructions above.  When I use the following read data, the UID is returned as zeros, clearly missing. The link in the process ends up being, "https://dev-katerra.bpmonline.com/0/rest/FileService/GetFile/00000000-0…" where "abe00c37-67f4-413c-93a0-1fa4af899bdc" is the Id of the attachment.

Nevermind, I figured out that the UID is in the link for existing files, so, I don't need to look it up.  I'll just copy it from there.

Oscar Dylan,

 There is a way to preview the file in the browser if there is a image? What format is returning the method to the client?


this  works to show the attachment in the browser.

var endpoint = "https://"+window.location.hostname+"/0/rest/FileService/GetFile/7661a363-68f6-4c26-879c-0590c22b963a/" + responseCollection.collection.items[0].$Id;
  //                         vvvv
  .then(response =&gt; response.blob())
  .then(imageBlob =&gt; {
      // Then create a local URL for that image and print it 
      const imageObjectURL = URL.createObjectURL(imageBlob);


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I created a business process.

Firstly, I add a signal when a record was deleted.

Then, I read the data of that record.

Then, I read all record which was created after the deleted record.

Last, I modify the record on the previous step.

But When I active the business and do testing, I deleted a record but other records were not modified.

Can someone help me?






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Dear Nghiêm

Unfortunately, there is no possibility of using the information deleted to trigger the business process signal.  

This is the known issue when the process created upon deleting some object cannot use the information from the deleted object in future. 

We already have a suggestion registered for our R&D team to add the functionality which allows you to work with the deleted data in business process. 

Best regards, 


Hi Roman,

Thanks for your answer.

In my picture, I forget to change "Which event should trigger the signal?" to "Record deleted", but you get my issue exactly. 

Best Regards,


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Hi Community,

We have this requirement below:

On creating case record, whether case record is created in web or in mobile we need to capture the current location. Any idea how we can achieve this? 




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Dear Fulgen,

If you need geolocation in general please find information by the links below:



If you need geolocation for some business task. Kindly describe the task.

Best regards,


Norton Lingard,

Thanks for reply, how about in BPM mobile application, how can I get the current location? Any Idea?

Dear Fulgen,

Please find more information in the article by the link below:


Best regards,


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There is any way to get contactId by cotnact mobile number from API?



Cezary Rynkowski

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It can be implemented in 2 ways:

1) by using $filter expression of the OData protocol. Please feel free to find examples in the article by the link below:  https://academy.bpmonline.com/documents/technic-sdk/7-13/examples-requests-filter-selection

2) by creating a custom configuration service. The article by the link below describes the entire process of implementation: https://academy.bpmonline.com/documents/technic-sdk/7-13/how-create-custom-configuration-service


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How to change default call event. I mean on MobilePhone click - default its opening new tab with callto in url.




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Hello Cezary,

When you click on the Mobile Phone of contact there is a CTI panel call tab opened and call is performed to the number that is specified in Mobile Phone field. This happens because there is an attribute on ContactPageV2 of UIv2 package called "linkclick":

"linkclick": {

                        "bindTo": "onCallClick"


that is bound to onCallClick function:

onCallClick: function(number) {

                return this.callContact(number, this.$Id, this.$Account);


that calls callContact function from CommunicationOptionsMixin of NUI package. So to overwrite this logic you need to simply create your own function and call it in linkclick attribute so to trigger your custom action instead of base action.

Best regard,


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We have a use case where we need to send outgoing Emails from business processes through an generic SMTP Email server (Not an email service provider like Office365 etc). We have the IP , port number and service credentials of the SMTP server. Find below a few questions we would like get clarity on - 

1. We understand that the typical way would be to add the SMTP Server in the Email providers lookup, create a mailbox for a valid Email account attached to the Email server and use it in the Email process element in the Business process designer. We suspect that the SMTP server we are dealing with is a generic one setup on the client's premises and not that of an actual Email service provider like Office365. Is there a way to send Emails through this SMTP server without having to explicitly create a mailbox for it?

2. We notice a few System variables related to SMTP like 'SMTP Login' , 'SMTP Username' etc. Where are they used and what are they meant for? Can these be used to send outgoing Emails through SMTP without explicitly creating a mailbox?

Greatly appreciate any help here!





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Dear Shrikanth,

1) It doesn’t matter what kind of email server you are using, the main thing is that there should be a connection between IIS and this mail server. In case they are both local, then this will work.

The most correct way is the most obvious: you add a mail server and use standard elements of business process.

2) The 'SMTP Login' , 'SMTP Username' etc. settings are prohibited to use, they are needed for system core functionality.



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Hi , 


If I have to change the the Order Name like Opportunity Name +Order Num , how can we do it ?


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Dear Shailey,

You can do that with business process which would trigger anytime a new order is created, read the order name and its opportunity name and modify the number with simple formula http://prntscr.com/p840wa which will combine the Order number and Opportunity name. Once the process is executed- you will get the required result http://prntscr.com/p841am

Best regards,


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